Homo Perfectus 8

A sci-fi storygame by SindriV and playa988

Commended by BerkaZerka on 9/21/2019 8:54:11 AM

Player Rating6.84/8

"#21 overall, #5 for 2012"
Based on 526 ratings since 10/14/2015
Played 22,371 times (finished 264)

Story Difficulty6/8

"Wandering through the desert"

Play Length7/8

"It keeps going and going"

Maturity Level5/8

"Aren't you a little too old to be trick or treating"
Some material may be inappropriate for persons under age 13. If this were a movie, it would probably be PG-13.

You are Eve's child. Gender and name is customizable. Go through the growing years of the new Homo Perfectus, and learn from the older Imperfects to prepare for the time when you are forced to take charge of the new generation of mutants.

Both the power and the companion systems are very similar to Homo Perfectus 6. The main difference is that the companions have health bars, and can die if used poorly.

I intend to make this the final Homo Perfectus installment, although I have said that before, so I don't know whether that will last. This story is a lot longer than any of my past stories, as it goes through many years of the main character's life, and is really Homo Perfectus 8, Homo Perfectus 9 and Homo Perfectus 10 all in one (in order to have the decisions made through one of them to affect the others without having a tedious numerical system).

Whether you can get the super heroic ending or not depends on how many team members you have, so if you can't get the best ending, that's probably the reason.

EDIT: Added a page to the story. Just a single page, that's all, but it was a story Baryon tells that I just thought of and I had to include it somewhere. This of course meant I had to unpublish and republish the story so if your save just got deleted, that would be why.

Player Comments

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Depresbian on 10/27/2024 11:39:24 PM with a score of 0
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— Caleb on 5/6/2021 3:14:35 PM with a score of 1000
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Lunlop on 12/6/2020 8:55:46 PM with a score of 2001
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DirtyDeedsDoneDirtCh on 12/8/2019 11:45:03 PM with a score of 1001
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UserNameBOIOI on 9/26/2019 7:13:41 PM with a score of 1001
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mkyushin on 9/16/2019 8:35:51 AM with a score of 1001
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InvictusXL on 3/9/2019 2:02:43 AM with a score of 1
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confirmed12 on 12/29/2018 8:08:40 PM with a score of 1001
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Yellowgod7 on 11/21/2018 1:40:47 PM with a score of 2001
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DaLichKing on 10/5/2018 10:34:00 AM with a score of 1001
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