Sea castle transformation

A storygame by Tjally

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There is a castle out at sea, surrounded by myth. The story tells of a way to become any creature you desire, though it is your journey through it that decides what you will become, rather than your own wishes.

What will you aim to become, and what will you eventually become via your choices? And perhaps more importantly, what will you do with your new form?

Transformations will happen abruptly, and not slowly. You can steer your eventual transformation by looking at the surroundings and implications of the previous locations you have visited. A cold location might lead to creatures from a colder region, and a location with many plants will lead to more tropical and plantlike transformations.
Many paths will allow you to abandon a route you've taken, at which point the story will continue as if you'd taken different choices. 

NOTE: This game is meant to be played casually. Going back to find every ending is not encouraged because of this, and at best I hope for every player to find one to three endings. I encourage you to leave in the comments which ending(s) you got.

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