College Dropout

A horror storygame by jd1976

Player Rating3.50/8

"Too few ratings to be ranked"
Based on 21 ratings since 03/05/2023
Played 334 times (finished 27)

Story Difficulty3/8

"Trek through the forest"

Play Length5/8

"Not going to lose any sleep"

Maturity Level2/8

"Choking hazard for children under 4"
Contains content that may not be suitable for persons under age 6. To compare to the movie rating system, this would be G.

Try to survive the beginning of an unfortunate apocalypse!

And prey that your FAFSA is still up-to-date.

Player Comments

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TrueParanormal on 3/6/2023 1:46:09 PM with a score of 0
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The_Booty_Warrior on 8/7/2023 1:45:52 AM with a score of 0
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