Player Comments on Seraph Serenade
I got all three endings, but the best score I could get was 45/50.
This game made very good use of items, which helps give it more replay value. I enjoyed the character interactions, but I think the pacing and dialogue could've been better. I also felt unsure about setting. There were fantastical elements, but
However, the overall story is excellent and the mood consistent. It was fun, too. Such a bittersweet tale.
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on 10/18/2013 4:38:33 PM with a score of 45
I really liked your writing style. The game started out strong and ended strong, but it lagged in the middle. You definitely could have improved this by adding more special conversations or by including unique events that temporarily allow us to escape the cycle. Speaking of the cycle, you spaced it out pretty well. I played through it six time and found that you gave us a generous amount of time to do everything, maybe too much time, but not badly so. As mentioned before a few special events would be fantastic. Lastly, I would suggest adding a few more options to the regular cycle. A few more ways to waste time, an extra way to score points, and maybe something harder to find that gives us access to a fourth ending (I found them all by the way, the worst ending was the hardest for me to earn ironically) Something that bothered me at the beginning is that it says, "A human girl..." Are there nonhuman girls? Such as elves or the like? Well apparently there are Seraph's, except she tells us that she is just a normal kid, except she can disappear at a whim... That irks me a bit, but it's okay. It may well be intentional. Reading this is a good use of time none the less.
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on 6/14/2013 1:10:25 AM with a score of 50
There should definitely be a second part where the boy looks for the girl and finds out she's in the Orphanage. He asks his parents if they can take her in as their daughter in order to help her.
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on 2/15/2025 6:24:44 PM with a score of 30
This was a good story! The ending was sad though. In my ending, she goes away and the police find her because she's an orphan staying at the school illegally. :(
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on 2/1/2025 11:40:13 PM with a score of 38
This story has so much potential. The author is talented, and has a good sense of expression and small details that create a relationship. The game is a little too precious, especially in Seraph's characterization--a little too "lovely, lonely, magical dream girl" lurking just on the border of her world and mine.
But at the same time, there's something interesting and wistful and moody about the atmosphere created here, and that's not easily done. That in itself is worth a read just to see what's done right here.
The two biggest flaws, though:
1) the shortcuts taken in the writing. Choosing to talk with her gives you "Talking with her makes you feel relaxed. You tell her about your school." That, to me, is just giving up as a writer. What is relaxing about her? What do you tell her? In a love story, we need to fall in love a bit with your characters, and you do that by spending time with them. These shorthand dialogues zip past the atmosophere.
2) The repetitive day-by-dayness of the actual gameplay, of finding money to buy gifts. The middle of the game with its central loop of "what do we do now?" drags terribly when what we want is to interact with the central relationship of the game.
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on 10/6/2019 6:59:56 AM with a score of 35
Not bad. Quite simple, short and sweet, things of such a nature.
Grammar could've been better but I'm not really urked by that kind of thing.
Good use of items.
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— Hoovlehein Schlichktzelnazi on 4/9/2019 10:39:39 AM with a score of 30
It had good pace but I wish there was more foreshadowing to the ending. I liked how the choices actually made a difference in score. Good use of objects.
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— Kirsten on 6/27/2017 4:38:53 PM with a score of 43
It was Kinda short but sweet
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— Erik on 4/22/2017 5:34:05 PM with a score of 21
Its good but it is underdeveloped
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— nobody on 10/23/2016 4:12:52 PM with a score of 28
This was a great story! So very sad. Thank you.
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on 10/17/2016 11:14:38 AM with a score of 31
I looked all for this game. I'm glad that I was able to find it again, this just really tugs at the reader's heartstrings and I personally found the writing to be quite beautiful.
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on 9/25/2016 9:18:47 PM with a score of 50
Sad :c
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on 6/10/2016 9:28:16 PM with a score of 37
That was very thoughtful good job
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— OMG on 4/20/2016 1:31:21 AM with a score of 50
Nice Phantom of the Opera reference at the end there
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on 1/30/2016 8:18:17 PM with a score of 31
I really liked that game. I liked the way you used the vending machine to get items.
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on 6/3/2015 9:26:03 AM with a score of 36
I liked this game a lot! A reasonable length and cute. Sad ending.
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on 4/19/2015 2:23:01 PM with a score of 32
A good little story. Well written.
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— Jordi P on 2/26/2015 12:51:33 PM with a score of 50
Too low of a score. I don't know what to do with the items and just got stuck. Maybe I should've chatted more with.... ;)
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on 1/9/2015 10:32:11 PM with a score of 25
I enjoyed every bit of it, by I still can't get a score of 50 ;-;
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on 12/3/2014 3:18:15 PM with a score of 47
Awww. You crafty little author.
I really think there should be an ending with her actually staying. I really wouldn't mind the whole 'escape into the sunset' stereotype thing.
Shame she got away...
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on 10/26/2014 8:51:29 PM with a score of 50
Very cute and interesting. I enjoyed playing it.
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on 7/28/2014 11:33:14 PM with a score of 49
More Complex version of Sethaniel but lighter version at the same time.
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on 3/30/2014 11:15:57 AM with a score of 44
I got the best ending! And now I'm all teary eyed T_T
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on 10/14/2013 5:22:24 AM with a score of 50
That was adorable! Though using the coins to buy the items was a bit tedious. 6/8 :)
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on 9/2/2013 11:00:43 PM with a score of 35
its really touching is there any way to keep her
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on 8/31/2013 10:46:56 PM with a score of 34
Sad :(
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on 8/23/2013 4:40:18 AM with a score of 35
Very interesting, but I couldn't work out how to use some of the items
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on 8/10/2013 5:54:46 PM with a score of 39
Is the best ending where she's in the garden?
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on 8/2/2013 8:11:03 PM with a score of 50
I got the bad ending and the average ending. How do you get the best ending?
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on 6/30/2013 1:19:02 AM with a score of 31
Awww...I guess my score wasn't high enough to get a good ending. I like this story, though; it's well-written and has just enough humor at the right parts to keep it from being just another sappy storygame. Definitely playing again!
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on 6/11/2013 11:55:53 AM with a score of 25
That was so beautiful...the letter at the end was touching...
LOL raining spies LOL
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on 6/9/2013 10:31:20 PM with a score of 27
Fixed the "Infinite loop".
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on 6/9/2013 6:51:16 PM with a score of 46
touching and well written. nice job!
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on 6/9/2013 5:12:18 PM with a score of 50
Very good game, but it does get a bit repetitive towards end-game. I would slap on an 8/8 if you did a few more conversations, especially if they're in more gradual degrees.
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on 6/9/2013 5:11:13 AM with a score of 50
i liked it alot. you should probably change this from fantasy adventure to love and dating.
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on 6/8/2013 3:15:02 PM with a score of 38
Really found it interesting, but it was a little 'infinite loopy' at the end. If you could somehow clean up that, or at least let the player know they missed something rather than just looping back to June I would rate it higher. As is though, it's still good - just more challenging than it should be to finish I think :)
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on 6/8/2013 10:17:06 AM with a score of 44
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