MagmaArmor0, The Dramatist
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Wow, you actually took the time to view my page? Sorry it's going to be a total letdown for you. This is just your average profile page, created by your friendly neighborhood Martian from Neptune.
Have a nice day!
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This story is set in the universe of a full-length novel that I'm in the process of writing: a futuristic and fantastic galaxy. (that is, you are just as likely to see Darth Vader as a Balrog) Your home system of Badagoe is threatened, but you don't know it yet: you need to discover the nature of this threat and neutralize it before it's too late!
Recent Posts
EndMaster and Killa are now mods on 9/10/2016 2:27:17 PM*storied* histories....I get it. :) Congrats to both of you!
Grades Anyone? on 5/16/2016 1:09:06 PM
Asking for people's grades is fine...but I'd yank the real-world names outta there--gotta practice safe internetting, you know? :)
Any Musicians out There? on 4/10/2016 5:19:35 PM
Also trombone player here.
It can be tough to start on, but it's not too bad once you get into the swing of things.
New Moderator: Kiel_Farren on 4/10/2016 5:17:07 PM
Congrats, Kiel! You deserve it!
(Whether this post is encouraging or vindictive is left as an exercise for the reader.)
New Site Guidelines on 8/17/2015 8:07:16 PM
Point of clarification regarding the "
- Warrior Cats and poorly conceived fan fiction in general"
If a Warrior Cats story were to be published with impeccable grammar, divergent storylines, an interesting plot, etc., such that it receives a rating around 7/8, is it still a no-go since it's not considered "mature" content? Or does the quality of writing override the otherwise "childish" subject matter?
For CYStia- Vote (don't reply!) on 8/16/2015 8:28:36 PM
Clearly you are an artist of unequaled talent.
Did you invent the Fotoshops? ;)
For CYStia- Vote (don't reply!) on 8/16/2015 8:04:43 PM
It's so majestic.
Just one question: wtf happened to the dot on the rightmost question mark? Is it running away?
Tabletop Parallels on 8/16/2015 6:55:10 PM
Pretty sure there's 3rd party PF content that has some amalgamation of Aztec/Mayan as its "Truenaming" Language.
For CYStia- Vote (don't reply!) on 8/16/2015 6:49:07 PM
lol obviously my profile pic is far too difficult to draw ;)
Your First PM on 8/1/2015 3:27:58 PM
My first PM was from SindriV, in response to a few comments I had left on the Homo Perfectus series (mostly lamenting the fact that every time I got stuck, the "increase mental capacity" power didn't help me. :( ). First PM I sent was responding to SindriV.
Although I will say that the second PM I sent/received was to/from myself. The subject line says "Wait I can message myself?" and the message is "Will this actually work?"
FYI--it worked.