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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

Lol, I wrote this while I was practicing my flute. Anyway, how many  CYStians have an instrument they actively play/played?

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

I play the trombone. 

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

Is it hard? I have some friends that complain about the notes. Is it really that hard to play a certain note? And you guys don't have keys--it must be absolute torture. Not to be overly curious...

Any Musicians out There?

8 years ago

Also trombone player here.

It can be tough to start on, but it's not too bad once you get into the swing of things.

Any Musicians out There?

8 years ago

*slow clapping* That was bad.

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

So... you're a boner?



Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

Former flautist.

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

I give you a thorough round of applause. A fellow flutist/flautist (they mean the same thing)

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

(But flautist sounds cooler~♪)

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

I play piano :P

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

That's a respected instrument (or whatever it's classified as)! Nice job, we play in the same clef (Treble)

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

Yep. I know a bunch of songs, but not much. My favorites are Imperial March, Star Wars main theme song, and Moonlight Sonata.

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

Oh, and AYT, didn't you say you were going to join Taken? Forgot to tag you sorry.

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

Used to play Baritone, (I.E. the Short Bus of Band) now I just dick around on the piano, the guitar, the trapezoid-shaped string board I found in my closet, and I'd only call myself a real musician as much as I would a real artist, which is to say not at all, but I try it sometimes.

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

How do you manage to not get your feathers stuck between the keys? How do you even manage to type?

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

Penguin-like feathers. They're really tightly packed, it's basically a second layer of skin.

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

At least you have arms, really.

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

Since Penguinites are primates, it's kind of par for the course, y'know.

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago


Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

How can a primate have feathers?  

Feathers are exclusive to birds (and potentially theropod dinosaurs, okay.)

Primates are by definition mammals, whose defining characteristics include hair. 

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

Structurally, they're really tightly packed, reinforced hairs with bodily resins and oils on, but you're not going to walk up to somebody that looks like a bird and say something like "Gee, your fur sure looks shiny today!" unless you're a biology major sharing uncomfortable fun facts about other peoples' races at parties...

Besides, even if they were feathers, what of it? Reptiles had feathers, once, probably.

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

...Does this mean that a platypus has fur?

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

Yep. Platypussies have fur.


Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

My life is changed

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

Like the actual pronunciation?

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

There are so many things that could be said about that statement.

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

Erm, imagine a reasonably sized picture of a naked mole rat right here.

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago
Git-fiddle and classical jug...

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

For a while, flute, piano, and guitar. I never stuck with any of them due repeatedly losing access to teachers. I can still sing, though. (I've been in a couple singing groups / bands--nothing professional, ofc.)

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

What genre? You sound like someone who's make kickass beats. No pun intended


Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

I can play piano and I've never taken lessons for it but I think I can sing pretty well. Dabbled in uke and guitar as well but it was never my thing.

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

Well, I play the trumpet in the school band. I also like to goof around in music creation software.

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

I used to play the piano, but sadly haven't played in quite a while.

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago
Recorder and Piano. =-D

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago
I played trumpet when I was in school. I can still play a few simple songs, lol.

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago
Yes, I used to play the French Horn, but at this point, I want to get started using music ccreation software, but I don't know what would work for a blind person. Well, I could use reaper, but does anyone know if that actually works or have experience with reaper?

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

Well, I never found myself too fond of it, but one of my favorite composers uses Reaper, so it can't be that bad.

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago
I play Trumpet!

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago
B flat to be exact.

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

Cello and Choir in elementary school.

The Cello/Violin teacher quit though after two years because he felt it would be easier to teach high school kids.

Kept getting kicked out choir because of “bad behavior” in other classes. Which was a stupid reason since I was still doing well academically in those classes. They would bring me back periodically whenever someone else was sick or quit though.

Then that particular teacher quit later and there was no more choir for anyone. As I remember the later music teachers just sort of scraped together people who seemed like they could sing the best in the regular music class and used them for the school events where singing was required. Don't remember exactly how it was set up, but I know there was no offical choir anymore.

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

Ah they did that to me too.  Band, not choir.  (Everyone *can* sing; some people shouldn't.)

I never really understood why failing one class meant I should be prevented from participating in another.

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

Yeah. I mean, isn't school supposed to teach you multiple skills? I mean, I partly understand and not, but yeah.

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

Well the way they had it set up in my school, is choir (and violin/cello) were activities that would periodically interfere with the regular classes. You would get called out of that class to participate.

So the rationale was because you were possibly missing out on learning something important that day in regular class, it was your responsibility to keep up with it anyway. If you started failing in the regular classes then you had to go take care of that since it took importance and you couldn’t participate in stuff like choir because it was a distraction.

The only person I knew that managed to get out of that, was some girl who got a “D” in handwriting. The choir teacher said, “Well that isn’t something we really use, so she can stay.”

Now for some reason they also extended the good behavior bit as a requirement regardless of whether you were doing well academically.

Which meant I already knew I was doomed eventually. Lol.

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

(Remember when handwriting was a thing you got graded on? XD)

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

I think I remember. Hey Seth, did you know they are trying to completely computerize schools? It sucks big time.

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

 . . . you're like, twelve.  You don't remember.

what's so bad about computerizing schools?

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

I'm older than that Seth. Come on.

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

(Hey, I was graded on it in college, it still happens in some places.)

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

Oh you miserable bastard. I hate handwriting. I legally can't even do it.

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

At my old elementry school, you either got an N or an S 

( Satisfactory or Non-satisfactory)

I always got an N.


Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago
I know! In some states, they don't even learn cursive handwriting anymore. How is the next generation going to have a signature if they never learn to write in cursive? Lol. :P

(Actually, my handwriting sucks. Always has. I don't write all girly, lol.)

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago
It'll just be a digital signature.

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

I still had a tendency to write out all my papers (In cursive!) before typing them up even in grad school.

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

My GPA went down because of bad handwriting.

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

It was fifth grade where I learned to write cursive lowercase fs... backwards.

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

I always thought that was stupid. My writing itself has always been fine, but I had to rewrite so many things just because I've been cursed with bad handwriting. Cursive was a nightmare. 

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago
They still used slates and chalk instead of paper and pencil in one of the elementary schools I attended.

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

That's my first piece I've made. I currently have three other songs that I'm still perfecting. And I play the trumpet, thoughI can't compose on it.

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

I can play the electric and acoustic guitars. I also mess around with a cruddy mandolin with a bent neck, and I also have a basic understanding for playing bass guitars and cajons. I still have no clue of how to play the piano though.

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

I once learnt how to play piano (No anymore), Clarinet (Not anymore), and violin (Not anymore.) Now i just sing.

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

I frequently play the violin.

Also the drumset. Had a band for a while called the 5 aces.

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

I play the piano fairly seriously. I might record a video later if I feel like it.

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

I can play very basic dulcimer, lap harp, piano, and guitar.

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

I play piano

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

Bongos, Ukulele, Mulab.

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

I blow pretty hard with the Tuba.

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago


Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

I try to play guitar or drums if that counts. My friend tho has a youtube account and makes music videos. If u want it i can tell you.

Any Musicians out There?

9 years ago

If i eat some good bean hole beans i can play the French horn reasonably well.

Any Musicians out There?

8 years ago

omg I play flute too, I'm in the High school band.

Any Musicians out There?

8 years ago

High five! YEAH! FLUTES ARE THE BEST (100% not biased)

Any Musicians out There?

8 years ago
(I find that hard to believe)

Any Musicians out There?

8 years ago

Any Musicians out There?

8 years ago

I play the trumpet, and I know a few chords on the guitar. I can sing decently, nothing too special (though I do have very flexible vocal chords, meaning I can be anywhere from a tenor to a baritone).

Any Musicians out There?

8 years ago

Noooooo neeeeecroing.

Any Musicians out There?

8 years ago

If a thread is a day old it's not necroing. You have much to learn, my young Newfag.

Any Musicians out There?

8 years ago

*Backs into shadows for flames to come*

Any Musicians out There?

8 years ago

Ha, I've played piano for 6 years and am trying to learn guitar (even though I keep holding it upside-down and can't play chords XD). I wish I could play the flute, though. You must have a lot of patience.

Any Musicians out There?

8 years ago

Any Musicians out There?

8 years ago

You did.

Any Musicians out There?

8 years ago
Then explain these ghost notifications I'm getting!

Any Musicians out There?

8 years ago


Any Musicians out There?

8 years ago

Someone necro'd, I deleted the posts, don't necro again and make more work for me, for god's sake.

Any Musicians out There?

8 years ago

Me me! i'm currently a vocalist (search Blind house -No quarter on youtube) but i also play several instruments