SkyTenshi, The Wordsmith
Member Since
Last Activity
5/5/2017 9:57 AM
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"The best is yet to come."
Well hello there. I'm Skytenshi, but you can call me Sky if you'd like. I'm not really that great with writing or creating a story (I tend to build worlds and characters more often). However, shoot me a PM anytime, I'm more than happy to help with questions or provide feedback on a story.
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Where I'm from: Sydney
I'm going to go on a bit of a hiatus. I'll show up every now and then when I have the spare time!
Trophies Earned

How to Nurture and Care for your Princess
January 2017 - Bucky's New Frontier Contest
Dragon meets princess, and takes her on an adventure.
Recent Posts
For CYStia - A Drawing 2: Electric Boogaloo on 2/6/2017 4:40:41 PMI vote for malk.
Good graphic novels from the past 5 years on 2/1/2017 7:10:07 PM
Ava's demon is not exactly a graphic novel, but the art is amazing and the characters are pretty intriguing. Gunnerkrig Court is another interesting one, but it's a little slow in pacing.
January New Frontier Contest on 1/30/2017 7:14:41 AM
Planning to do what Bannerlord's gonna do. I agree, it's definitely a rushed product.
January New Frontier Contest on 1/29/2017 6:28:10 AM
I tried my best TT_TT
Next time I enter a contest, I'll try to make sure I have more than a week to write it.
Site Updates Warning Thread on 1/28/2017 9:09:05 PM
Like if you watch this thread?
New restriction on refugees/Building a wall on 1/27/2017 7:08:43 PM
src="" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true">
Worthless Paper on 1/23/2017 10:42:02 PM
I probably don't have the most experience here, but I also don't think 33 is a lot either, considering a lot of people I know have had to put in at least 200 before getting a job.
I'd recommend you hand it in in person if it's possible, as your potential employer will get to have a good gauge of you when you do that. Plus all the other stuff about how looking at a sheet of paper or a document online makes it more distanced.
Is there a way I could make this work? on 1/23/2017 8:02:09 PM
Couldn't you still have the police force use superior weaponry in a modern setting? I mean, that's generally what's required of any police force - you can't have the populace having better weapons than them, because their negotiating power would exceed that of the government's.
v20170002 Update on 1/15/2017 7:17:16 PM
This is great 3J! I think the entire update will improve CYS in a pretty major way. Thanks for the hard work ^^
And congratulations to Will as well :)
Music recommendations thread on 1/14/2017 1:35:33 AM
I'm really liking Akdong Musician's Winter right now. I always like their music. I also have a liking for swing and electro-swing so if anyone knows any good ones, please suggest them.