Wigglewigglewiggle, The Wordsmith
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Really? on 4/10/2017 9:58:07 PMNo, those were my cousins. I only have 2 uncles, both of whom are awesome.
Really? on 4/10/2017 9:53:19 PM
This particular uncle is a body builder/power lifter, who just so happens to be rich, solves all my tech problems, and buy me Oreos whenever i visit. The Oreos are the main reason he's my favorite.
Really? on 4/10/2017 9:51:28 PM
My dad won't let me play with guns. :(
Really? on 4/10/2017 8:25:58 PM
He's my favorite relative.
Really? on 4/10/2017 8:11:49 PM
Really? on 4/10/2017 7:20:54 PM
Remind me to never post asking for help here again...
Anyway i'm just buying a new laptop in a couple of weeks when i have the money. I took it to my uncle who said having it repaired wasn't worth it, so we both threw it over the balcony and smashed it to pieces with a sledgehammer and axe. I don't care if he was wrong, the enjoyment i got from that made it worth while.
Help on 4/6/2017 4:10:13 AM
I don't even know. I turned it off, then back on, and the entire screen just started freaking out. I've had it for 2 years, but this is the first problem I've ever encountered with it.
Help on 4/6/2017 3:18:38 AM
My laptop broke and can't be fixed. What should i do?
IAMA Crazy Old Owl, AMA on 3/30/2017 3:36:21 AM
Should've made that an option too.
IAMA Crazy Old Owl, AMA on 3/29/2017 5:00:22 PM
Goku or Superman?