TheBuddingAuthorette's Experience Points

TheBuddingAuthorette has a total of 52 Experience Points. Following is recent point activity.
11/8/2023-42Admin. Penalty - Automated tax adjustment for birthday welfare. Send feedback to _IRS
8/8/202215Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!!
8/8/202115Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!!
8/8/202015Admin. Bonus - Happy Birthday!!!
7/28/20201Rate Game Cows vs. Aliens!
7/28/20201Rate Game
7/28/20201Rate Game Tower of Riddles
7/28/20201Rate Game The Tower of Rowena
7/28/20201Rate Game Blackwell's Diamonds
7/28/20201Rate Game The Elle Files: Sabotage at Suicidal Skies
7/28/20201Rate Game The Elle Files: Peril at Dandelion Hills
7/28/20201Rate Game
7/27/20201Rate Game A Stack of Cats
7/27/20201Rate Game 6-Door Puzzle
7/27/202010Publish Game The Corazonian Chronicles: Deepened Voids
7/27/20201Rate Game Surviving Pre-School
7/27/20201Rate Game Inepta Academy
7/27/20201Rate Game Homo Perfectus 4
7/27/20203Create Game Athena- The Superhero's Tale
7/27/20201Rate Game Homo Perfectus 3
7/27/20201Rate Game Homo Perfectus 2
7/27/20201Rate Game Homo Perfectus
7/27/20201Rate Game
7/26/20201Rate Game Dungeon Stompage!
7/25/20203Create Game The Corazonian Chronicles: Deepened Voids
7/25/202015Create Account