The Elle Files: Peril at Dandelion Hills

Player Rating5.56/8

"#217 overall, #16 for 2011"
Based on 102 ratings since 06/17/2011
Played 1,656 times (finished 115)

Story Difficulty4/8

"March in the swamp"

Play Length3/8

"A nice jog down the driveway"

Maturity Level1/8

"Appropriate for all ages"
Stories with this maturity level will not, by design, have any potentially objectionable content. An example of a type story with this rating would be a quiz on mathematics.

You, as Elle Jergens, have generously volunteered to help your grandma run her bed and breakElle 2.jpgfast for the summer. Located less than a mile from the beach, it seems like paradise! Along with taking care of the gusts and helping out around the inn, you'll have to solve a fun, puzzle-filled mystery! Is your grandma really as forgetful as everyone believes she is, or is something very strange going on at the Dandelion Hills Bed & Breakfast?

Couple of things to keep in mind: score is being kept, so guessing when you reach a puzzle in order to reach the end is not going to help your score. Right answers are all  100 and wrong answers are -25.

Another note--I spent a très long time constructing this and putting it together. I'm not saying it is perfect or brilliant or the best ever by any means--all I'm saying is if you don't like it, if you could could refrain from saying that in a harsh or rude manner, I'd really appreciate it. Just keep in mind, this is only the second choose your own adventure I've done, and my first with the advanced editing mode. I'm still working out everything! Okay, I've rambled walled-garden-l.jpgenough.

Above all, have fun, enjoy, and challenge your brain a little! Speaking of which, I had NO idea how to rate this for difficulty. I'm not sure if the puzzles are too difficult or too easy, so if you comment, if you could rate the game as easy, moderate, or difficult so future potential players can get more opinions, I'd appreciate it.

Player Comments

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Zikara on 6/20/2011 4:33:17 PM with a score of 800
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urnam0 on 6/20/2011 4:20:55 AM with a score of 800
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AmazingAnimal5 on 8/16/2023 7:21:08 PM with a score of 800
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— Iso on 6/23/2019 3:22:20 PM with a score of 800
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Faervel on 11/7/2018 9:32:02 AM with a score of 800
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DetroitShani313 on 6/23/2018 9:58:09 PM with a score of 800
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skyvolt13 on 4/1/2018 7:23:26 AM with a score of 800
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_skye_ on 8/24/2017 12:07:43 PM with a score of 800
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DetroitShani313 on 9/11/2016 2:34:18 AM with a score of 800
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BigRonn77 on 9/1/2016 2:12:26 PM with a score of 800
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