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People Who Have Their Pets Buried With Them

7 years ago

Yes, this is a real thing. No, I'm not going to post a link to something verifying that it's real. Look it up yourselves or watch family guy.

But, the idea is that someone, prior to their death, asks that their pet be...erm..."euthanized"...and buried with them. Now, I know this is probably illegal in some states (the burial part), but it obviously isn't in my state.

My great-grandfather did this his dog, but I didn't find out until years after he died. I was just talking to my great-grandmother one day and asked why I never saw Happy around anymore (He was a relatively young and healthy dog). Everyone just kinda stared at me like I was stupid when I asked.

So, my question to you wonderful people is, what do you make of this practice? Do you find it sweet? Disgusting? Have you known anyone who has done so?

Also, this has nothing to do with a story or anything...really...*shifty eyes*.

People Who Have Their Pets Buried With Them

7 years ago

I think It's wrong. You're description of Happy is actually how a lot of pets are whenever they are killed and buried with their owners, there have even been times when the pet was buried alive with It's owner.

People Who Have Their Pets Buried With Them

7 years ago

That's no bueno. Not even a wee bit bueno. It's stupid and conceited to think that just because you're not there, your animal isn't going to have a happy life with somebody else, and that shouldn't be cut short unless they've been deathly ill and are never going to get better. It's perfectly okey dokey to put in your will that, when your pet does die, that they be buried with/next to you, but we just don't do it the Chinese/Egyptian way anymore for perfectly logical reasons.

People Who Have Their Pets Buried With Them

7 years ago

I'm fairly sure that no state allows even a domestic animal to be buried in a human cemetery unless they are in their owner's coffin, which might be why some people do it (to keep an old/ill animal from ending up dying in a shelter and being "buried" in the city landfill).

People Who Have Their Pets Buried With Them

7 years ago

If it means that much to them, I assume they could dig up their owner's box and put it in there, or at least sneak in and bury it in the dirt somewhere above their coffin in the dead of night.

People Who Have Their Pets Buried With Them

7 years ago

Assuming grass hadn't grown over the grave, in which case it would be obvious that someone was messing with the grave. The police would likely exhume both bodies, and I have my doubts that they would leave the dog there.

People Who Have Their Pets Buried With Them

7 years ago

Sod it. By the time someone observant enough passes by, it'll be indistinguishable from the other grass.

People Who Have Their Pets Buried With Them

7 years ago

Wel, I think it's awful. Having your dog killed when you die is horrific and cruel. I've never even heard of this in modern times.

People Who Have Their Pets Buried With Them

7 years ago
I'm constantly amazed (but not surprised) at how callous a person can be.  I've had pets my entire life and treated them better than I do myself, but I'm not so narcissistic that I believe that an animal is better off dead than without me.

(There are those that I'd like to have euthanized when I go, but I wouldn't want to be buried with them.  That'd just be disgusting.)

People Who Have Their Pets Buried With Them

7 years ago

I suppose it'd be a bit different in your case, since you've said before you don't have any people you could rely on to care for them,and without you they probably actually would have a shitty time of it for as long as they continued going on. But for people who can find or list good homes to send their pets to, that's kind of a horrible thing to do.

People Who Have Their Pets Buried With Them

7 years ago
Yeah, I just have faith that they will find some way of enduring.  After all, if they were smart enough/lucky enough to find me, perhaps they could find someone else who wasn't a complete degenerate.

To clarify, when I said "those" I didn't mean pets.  >;)

People Who Have Their Pets Buried With Them

7 years ago

I know it's a thing, Egyptians were huge on this shit, they also killed slaves to be buried with their masters, too. If the pet is already coincidentally dead, fine. If the pet is still alive, this is horrifying. If a dog or cat or whatever outlives me? Fine, let them keep outliving me, same as anyone else in my family is free to do. If I'm dead, well... I'm dead, I ain't gonna get lonely down there. Sure, I'd like to be buried beside my spouse / some family, but only when it's time for them to go.

People Who Have Their Pets Buried With Them

7 years ago
"If I'm dead, well... I'm dead, I ain't gonna get lonely down there."

All those worms, right?  :P

I intend to be cremated.  I haven't really decided, yet, where I'd like my ashes to be spread.  Right now it'd probably be somewhere above the Arctic Circle, but when the time comes ... who knows.  Of course, I doubt that anyone I know would be willing to do something special for me, anyhow, even if it meant going on an adventure.

People Who Have Their Pets Buried With Them

7 years ago

Of course, it's gonna be a party~ :D

On a more serious note, I'm not a fan of cremation, but I understand people wanting to do that. I dunno, maybe it's my fondness for graveyards, my dislike of the idea of burning, maybe it's the fact that I have so many buried relatives, maybe it's all the creepy / disgusting shit people have done in the past with human ashes , maybe it's the hope of a zombie uprising, but whatever the reason, I couldn't bring myself to do that. Still, hey, that would be a neat place to be laid to rest... you could pay someone to do it, I bet.

People Who Have Their Pets Buried With Them

7 years ago

Maybe it's because of the similarity between cremation and incineration.

People Who Have Their Pets Buried With Them

7 years ago
I've always had a tremendous respect for cemeteries, too.  I just don't like the idea of having taken my whole life without giving something back.  Unless there is a natural disaster of some sort (like a flood causing my casket to float out of the ground and me popping out to horrify some unsuspecting swimmer, mwahahaha!), the only disturbance would be when some future anthropologist mistakenly exhumed my plot because he misread a map.

I've been thinking of a suitable resting place and I think I've come up with the perfect spot.  Ever heard of Nahanni Valley (or "The Valley of the Headless Men")?  Melding your idea with my own, I could offer whatever my estate is worth at the time of my demise to someone willing to spread my remains from one end of it to the other, alone and on foot — and at night!  Reckon that'd be enough of an adventure to gift someone?  >;)

People Who Have Their Pets Buried With Them

7 years ago

The only thing I could think of when I saw the title to the thread was:

"Alive? Cos wouldn't half of them start eating your body before it suffocated?"

People Who Have Their Pets Buried With Them

7 years ago

No. The lack of air would send them into a panic, so unless they stress-eat like crazy...