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Newbie's problems with ....quite everything

7 years ago

Let me get straight to the point.

-How do i write an astonishing story

-How do i get steady advice

-If you can link me a site about the use of punctuation and grammar

I know i sound demanding but i would appreciate every tiny bit of help :) 

Newbie's problems with ....quite everything

7 years ago

Writing an astonishing story is difficult. You would have to be committed to writing your story, as well as putting maybe months into it. It can also be trial and error. Example: You might make a story that you are satisfied with, then it turns out to not be so great. You have to learn from mistakes. Go slow, then eventually you might take off from there.

Steady advice can be gained from asking other writers/members for tips or advice. Alternatively, there are articles in the Help & Info page, that provide ideas and experience from others.

Maybe this helps?

Newbie's problems with ....quite everything

7 years ago

Here is a grammar site. You can find others through Google. As for advice and storywriting, check the help and info section of this site.

Newbie's problems with ....quite everything

7 years ago

-Hard work's one of the most important things. Like, a metric shit ton of hard work.


-Meh, the others have done it.

Newbie's problems with ....quite everything

7 years ago is a good resource.

I'd recommend you work on getting that whole 'grammar and punctuation' thing down to the point where you don't need to reference a guide for it before worrying too much about writing an astonishing story.

Newbie's problems with ....quite everything

7 years ago
Follow the link on the left side of the page that says, "Help & Info."

Read every article on that page.