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I Need Motivation, In Any Form (Insults Welcome.)

7 years ago

I need to get my arse into gear and write my storygame "Narrated." You can motivate me however you like, Steve can insult me, Malk can threaten to post odd pictures, Lick can compliment my masculine features, whatever the hell tickles your fancy. Just kick me into GEAR and make me write. No done by date, just hopefully working at least every other day.

I Need Motivation, In Any Form (Insults Welcome.)

7 years ago

Si se puede! Si se puede!

*waves pom-poms*

I Need Motivation, In Any Form (Insults Welcome.)

7 years ago

So far what I've read of your story was terrible. I implore that you make it less so, that's all really. I would like that it becomes something that's not painful on the eyes.

Was that enough to please you, masochist?

I Need Motivation, In Any Form (Insults Welcome.)

7 years ago

What arse?

Maybe if you sat on your ass writing, then I'd give you a proper insult.

I Need Motivation, In Any Form (Insults Welcome.)

7 years ago
Post less, write more.

Specifically, stay off the forum/anywhere else on the internet until you've reached a certain number of pages or words for the day. 1000 words is easy mode, maybe you can start with that.

I Need Motivation, In Any Form (Insults Welcome.)

7 years ago

Your avatar looks like someone took a really wavy, spiky shit on your head and you called it hair.

I Need Motivation, In Any Form (Insults Welcome.)

7 years ago

It adds to the absurdity of it all. I like it.

I Need Motivation, In Any Form (Insults Welcome.)

7 years ago

If you write your storygame I'll comment on it, if that helps.

I Need Motivation, In Any Form (Insults Welcome.)

7 years ago
It's pointless anyway, what you've written so far sucks. Give up, you will never accomplish anything in life.
There, motivational enough? :)