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Alien: Covenant

6 years ago

So I just saw this and it was one of the better Alien movies. Honestly I’ve been liking the newer ones than the older ones so far (Other than the original).

Alien: Covenant

6 years ago

Does that include Prometheus?

Alien: Covenant

6 years ago


Alien: Covenant

6 years ago

In that case, I gotta say that it was pretty strange that one lady just so happened to have a facehugger child because of that black goo stuff, creating a Xenomorph by accident.

I also didn't really like that one human-xenomorph hybrid from 3.

Alien: Covenant

6 years ago

I think you're thinking of 4 that had the human hybrid.

Alien 3 was set on prison planet and had a dog-xenomorph hybrid. I thought that one was the worst of the alien movies.

Alien: Covenant

6 years ago

Yeah, it was 4. My bad.

Speaking of 4, though, I thought the whole cloning dealio was also pretty bad. It kinda seemed a bit too much of a stretch for me.

I also didn't like the predator/xenomorph hybrid thing from AVP: Requiem. I mean, I guess it makes sense that xenomorphs take on characteristics of their host, but it just seems like a bad idea. (Unless, y'know, you're not counting AVP.)

Alien: Covenant

6 years ago

The AVP movies aren't even canon anymore, especially with Prometheus and this new movie explaining the xenomorph origins now.

I'm not even sure if they're counting Alien: Resurrection anymore either.

Alien: Covenant

6 years ago

As glad as I am that Resurrection is probably retconned, AVP was one of the best things about that universe. It's like the new Star Wars movies, they just cut out the best part. Then again, I was in serious doubt that AVP was ever in canon to begin with. I figured it was like one of those "What if these guys fought?" things that they did in Silver Age comics all the time but never actually had any affect on the actual stories.

Alien: Covenant

6 years ago

I think Ridley Scott is probably only counting his own movies as “canon” so basically just Alien, Prometheus, Covenant and whatever other sequels he does after this one.

There’s supposed to be some brief Blade Runner connection to the Alien movies (Probably the synthetics/androids) so who knows maybe that one is set in the same universe as well.

Alien: Covenant

6 years ago

But how does that even work? The Replicants have regular blood for blood, and the Synths have jism for blood. And Replicants have real feelings, where, outside of Resurrection, I've never really seen a Synth displaying genuine emotions. Like, maybe the dude in Prometheus had curiousity and disappointment, but I'm not really sure he wasn't just made to experiment with shit and fuck around with any aliens he found, seeing as the team's primary directive was to find and communicate with the things that made humans. Would Bladerunner have taken place after Aliens, or are Replicants just a side-experiment during the Aliens Franchise that went wrong?

Alien: Covenant

6 years ago

I think Blade Runner is supposed to be taking place around the same time as some of these movies.

It’s brought up in Covenant, that David and the android models based directly on him apparently started becoming “too human” (Thinking for themselves, etc) so they stopped making them and started designing synths that were more machine like.

At least the Weyland Corp (Later Weyland-Yuntai) didn’t want synths to be so autonomous. Probably better for them business wise to have obedient machines that were loyal to the corp.

Whereas the replicants were made by a competitor called the Tyrell Corporation and they didn’t have a problem with designing them the way they did since they were supposed to have a limited life span.

For more crossover fun there was an old movie called Soldier with Kurt Russel which implied to have connection to Blade Runner. (Replicant soldiers were replacing the “trained to kill from birth” human ones)

Seems like most of the replicants were designed for combat so they probably were given more freedom to act more human since having programmed androids on the battlefield is great and all, but having something that can act independently and come up with attack/defense plans spontaneously when the need arises is probably more effective. And again they had a limited shelf life (Either getting killed in battle or dying within 4 years).

Or rather the replicants were supposed to have a limited shelf life at least.

Alien: Covenant

6 years ago

Yeah, how does the limited shelf life work out if Harrison Ford reprises his role as Deckard? According to Ridley himself, he's supposed to be a replicant. I guess he's different, though, since he doesn't have super strength, and I guess having a good longevity is practical, since he's supposed to be replacing the bitter Hat Guy that he shares dreams with because he's too old/crippled to hunt down rebel replicants anymore. At the same time, didn't the guy in the pyramid building say that you couldn't extend a replicant's lifespan without creating a virus of some kind?

EDIT: Soldier crossing over to Alien by way of Bladerunner is hard for me to buy, honestly. I guess it depends on what point it's at in the timeline, but in the Alien universe I'm pretty sure they made Combat Androids illegal for some reason. It's been mentioned at various points whenever they try to make the bad guys seem worse. Like, "Combat synths!? From Weyland!? That's against protocol! What a corrupt corporate dystopia we're living in right now!" or "He's making War Robots! What an Asshole that Knud Von Vanvolkvan is!" Then again, I've only really read comics that take place in the AVP universe, so the lore might also be befuckled from my perspective.

Alien: Covenant

6 years ago

I think there was one in the comics that got born out of a Rhino or something. That was pretty badass.

Alien: Covenant

6 years ago

I saw this one too. Its ratings aren't very good, but I enjoyed it quiet a lot.

Alien: Covenant

6 years ago

Huh, it seems End is a retard with no taste in films. Good to know one of the worst films of the year with idiotic characters with no personalities whatsoever, a dull plot, an incredibly obvious plot twist and a Xenomorph that turned the original monster into a little bitch that couldn't do jack shit was entertaining to you.

Alien: Covenant

6 years ago

But it's about the ORIGINS of the aliens! They aren't the ultimate lifeform yet because they haven't evolved or whatever! It's fine that they're a little bitch now, because it really means they're just badasses later!

I mean, I guess that's why it's interesting. That's kind of why I liked Hannibal Rising, even though Hannibal was still pretty much badass the whole time. Honestly the movie itself gave me more of a Star Wars Prequel feel anyway, but I guess I'm a biased AVP fanboy, so the fact that their website hints that Predators may exist in this universe even as a subtle injoke makes me want to like this movie.

Alien: Covenant

6 years ago

I might take Steve a little more seriously if he wasn’t the same guy who was praising Mass Effect: Androgynous like it was the greatest thing ever. Talk about your shit tastes. And Malk, fuck off too, since I already know you're bitching as well about this.

The pair of you can go back to sucking Rogue One dick with it's "complex characters and storyline" Lol.

Anyway, not sure what he’s talking about with the xenomorph anyway since it killed a bunch of people in the movie. Obviously it wasn’t going to kill the “final girl” with plot armor. Even the old one couldn’t do that.

Sort of wish Ridley had made more of a proper sequel to Prometheus like he intended though, since I wanted to see more about the giant engineers, but people bitched about that one not having enough "alien" in it.

Alien: Covenant

6 years ago

I don't really know how I feel about the Engineers the way Ridley's redone them. I always liked the mysterious flesh entropies growing into their ships using aliens for ambiguous purposes. I sort of like what they did with the fan theories, with the implication that Jesus was an engineer, which opens up a lot of interesting possibilities, what with the idea that the other Engies were coming down to wipe out all of humanity. I'd be really into seeing Revelations as portrayed by H.R. Giger, and I'd pay infinite dollars to see that, but since Engineers seem to have been a tad devastated by something (Probably alien leakage) I guess they're not really powerful enough to pull that kind of thing off on the biblical scale that was promised. At least not with the same amount of monsters and different apocalypses.

At the same time, the looming mystery and gross, lingering presence of the space jockeys made the whole Alien universe a lot more creepy and surreal, which I really liked, and it added to the effect when it was possible that the Xenomorphs were just something that they found and tried to control rather than the evolution of a biological weapon they unleashed hundreds of millenia ago. Then again, the whole Borg thing they had going on was only one part of a few interpretations over the course of the books and comics.

I preferred the interpretation that they were all like the pilot borg growing out of his chair (Except also grown into different machines for different functions) over the boring Aryan giants and the goofy elephant monsters in tracksuits. I would've actually really preferred if the Engineer concept and the benevolent elephant monsters were attributed to another creature entirely and the Space Jockeys remained just Space Jockeys with their own obscure lore, holding a sort of sinister presence over all of them.

Then again, since the Engineers in Prometheus were shown to be deploying the Genetic Chaos Goo Weapon in the beginning, and it's heavily implied they were a on a genocide mission, it's very possible that these particular engineers were bred for war, which is why they are mobile and adaptible and bigger/more muscular than people. But, seeing as they made the original "Pilot" monster into a space suit, I'm not very hopeful that they haven't really just plain ruined the Space Jockeys altogether.

Alien: Covenant

6 years ago

Yeah I can see where there would be appeal in keeping it all mysterious, but since Ridley was already going this route I wouldn’t have minded some more lore on them.

I remember laughing while watching Prometheus in the theaters when they wake up the Engineer and they were trying to communicate with him and he’s calm for a moment, and then he just suddenly goes hostile and starts killing them all. Lol.

Alien: Covenant

6 years ago

I think it was supposed to be symbolic or something. What Ridley was probably going for was that he was the exterminator sent to fuck humanity up, but failed due to the xenos hatching prematurely and killing the other dudes, so he put himself in hypersleep to starve them out. When he found the humans again, they were all technologically advanced and shit, and they seemed like they could be different from the violent little shits they sent him to destroy, but it turns out they were still greedy, they felt all superior and shit, and they beat the shit out of each other in front of him. So, basically, the humans hadn't changed worth a shit, and he abruptly realized at the end that he should continue the genocide right then and there.

If Ridley has one flaw, it's that he's always walking a really fine line between being deep, and just throwing in about ten pages of subtext and expecting you to catch it while you're watching the movie. So even while he's heralded as a teller of epics, there's a lot of unintentional humor in everything he does.