
Forums » The Parlor Room » Read Thread

Questions about a storygame? Thoughts on Eternal? Any other IF you're playing out there?

JFP Needs our Help!

5 years ago

We Want You

This game was a long time site favorite, but since it was been edited it hasn't accumulated enough ratings to ascend towards god hood...or really any kind of ranking. This story needs our help! If you haven't rated it yet please give it a read. This was once a treasure of CYS and now it is forgotten.

If changes in expectations say that it sucks now, so be it! But it deserves another look. Its high time we all took a moment to enjoy a relic. Or get frustrated with its early CYS style difficulty. Why not both?

JFP Needs our Help!

5 years ago

Man, I tried! I swear I did. Won some money at poker, bought some books in the store and everything, but you literally can't rate it unless you beat it... even when you die! LOL  What the hell was the author thinking? The game is doomed to obscurity by its own lack of feedback. :-(

JFP Needs our Help!

5 years ago
Yeah, it's always frustrating when the End Game link is locked out, although it's more frowned upon these days because it's been used as a way of forcing high ratings; anyone with the patience to play a game like that through is most likely doing it because they love it, while people who aren't enjoying it as much will just give up before they're ever able to put a rating in.

JFP Needs our Help!

5 years ago
Your efforts are appreciated.

Is their a guide to this game anywhere?

We could work one out if there isn't.

JFP Needs our Help!

5 years ago
Spontaneous site downage makes this really hard.

JFP Needs our Help!

5 years ago

Is that screen of death an actual bug that can be fixed?

JFP Needs our Help!

5 years ago

I like playing through some of the older games on this site, so I think that I'll give this one a whirl.