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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Hey everyone...

16 years ago

... I just wanted to return to say hello.

I know it has been almost a year since I last was here, but it is not as if I have wasted my time.

For starters, I have used this to advance my artwork and storytelling, much to the amazement of my "sensei".  The end result is a much-improved version of what I can draw and a decent storyline.  I'm no longer the "What REALLY Goes On In..." version of myself.  I'm someone else now.  I can actually make a decent story and offer up good moments that are embedded instead of just thrusted like I had done before.  Believe me, that's stupid as hell...

Secondly, I now own a computer.  It dosen't have Internet access at the moment, but I do have several programs on it that I can use to make games, like M.U.G.E.N. and RPG Maker 2000, as well as a recorder and video editor.  I have gone far enough to create a few characters for the latter game.

When I do return to making adventure games, I'll begin by eliminating several games that I didn't like making.  I'll make a more finetuned version of The Cave on RPG Maker (with a more believable plot ;) ) and I'll also fix up my unifinished project.

And if you're wondering what me and Dev have also been doing:  Go to YouTube.  He's Deven247 and I'm JDogindy.  He makes bizarre videos, while I make video game movies... including one with over 11,000 hits!

Hey everyone...

16 years ago

Hey Jdog. Just a suggestion. Stop. Making. September the 14th games. Please? sorry, they REALLY suck.


Hey everyone...

16 years ago

the september games were deven. not jdog. jdog was responsible for another series.


Hey everyone...

16 years ago

Um... Vader. You are confusing me with someone else, okay?  I plan on liberating myself from my old series while I'm at it.

Hey everyone...

16 years ago
Yeah, Deven left a while ago.
I mean, how do you mix up JDog with Deven. *muffled laughter*
Actually, they did collab when making some of the Sept. 14th games.

Hey everyone...

16 years ago
I didn't think they were that bad actually, sure they were extremely linear. I got a laugh out of them though.

Hey everyone...

16 years ago
True. Very funny... though the repetitiveness got... repetitive, yet I guess that's the comedy.