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Greetings, Brethren

4 years ago


I'm BluePony. I'm new. I have so many ideas for storygames. I already wrote one, but it won't let me publish it for two days, which is saddening. :( Yes, I understand it's so I can improve it, but it's already how I want it. I literally just spend four hours writing nonstop. However, it's short. Again, I'm new, go easy on me. 

Question: are the age levels very loose? I read one rated PG and it felt very R to me. 

Question: are there any role-play forums? I used to be on one and I really miss it. 

Question: are fonts fun or what???

Greetings, Brethren

4 years ago

For your storygame: Make sure that it is at the very least over 2k words. And a good thirty pages, otherwise people will definitely NOT take it easy on you. 

Edit: So, I read your storygame, and it needs quite a lot of work to be done on it. As in, two more days of work. Not half an hour. There is a limit for a reason. 

Age levels are not all that loose, but they can feel like that if you’re around 11 years old. 

There is a user by the name of EndMaster that loves role-play forums. Simply tag him like so: @The_Broken_God but replace my name with his. He'll humor you.  


Greetings, Brethren

4 years ago
Greetings, Newbie.

The Maturity Level is chosen by the author, so there's an element of subjectivity to it. I didn't know about the two day restriction on publishing a game, although I'm glad it's there as I'm not too optimistic about the quality of a storygame written in only four hours. Still, it could be amazing. Guess we'll find out in two days. Welcome to the site.

Greetings, Brethren

4 years ago

Fantasy adventure is generally popular, but that's a lot of pages with just a single line of text. I'd recommend spending the extra time you have fleshing it all out and adding more detail. You could do away with the first couple of questions entirely in fact since they don't seem to affect much and use that space to expand the plot more.

Although actually, before all that I'd give my standard advice of spending a little time reading a few of the more highly rated stories on the site, to get an idea of the quality level most readers are looking for and what the editor is capable of. Maybe something will inspire you.

Greetings, Brethren

4 years ago
Welcome to the site. Feel free to read lots of stories, help sections, and the forums before you post too much or publish a story.