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Write story in other language

3 years ago

Hello! I'm new here, I just wanted to ask if it's allowed to write a story in other language? 

Write story in other language

3 years ago
Yeah, it's fine.

Write story in other language

3 years ago
It will probably limit the amount of views and might affect the rating however since the majority of viewers will probably have to rely on Google translate to get through it. If this is something specifically written for your friends or whatever that might not matter to you, but if for this reason you prefer to keep the story private access, you can leave Sneak Peek checked in the storygame properties and just share the URL with whoever.

Write story in other language

3 years ago

Using Google Translate, myself, doesn't make my eyes and brain bleed like slogging through something someone else has before publishing. I can't explain the difference, though.

Write story in other language

3 years ago

My advice is to write in your native tongue. It makes writing more comfortable and it's less painful for readers to get through. I don't mind using my page translation browser extension.

And happy writing!