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Dust off a seat and discuss a good book do read, right?

Detective Conan

9 years ago

I like it that when Conan aka Shinichi reveals the case, it gives an OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH kind of feeling. (too many O's.)

Anyway I think Gosho should make more books about the Black Orginization than just random cases, but although I enjoy all of them, the movies are better, because of how much more suspense there is. If you are going to read it, don't read the English version in paperback. Read the English subbed online. And also watch the movies in Japanese sub only. 

End of Pointless rant.

Detective Conan

9 years ago

Detective Conan?

... I just keep getting this image of a big, sword-wielding Arnold Swartznegger in 80's barbarian armor with a black fedora chopping the shit out of noir criminals...


9 years ago

Read my mind. 

Detective Conan

9 years ago

Hes a first grader.

Here comes the awkward silence


Detective Conan

9 years ago

No, no he isn't. He's a high-schooler who is an avid Sherlock Holmes fan-boy, so he constantly sticks his nose into any situation he finds suspicious. Usually, being something of a genius, he finds out it's some kind of murder mystery and solves it. However, to his misfortune, he gets caught by a few men in a shadowy organization who are developing some kind of illegal drug that can allegedly kill a man and melt / evaporate his body, leaving no evidence of his existence. Both fortunately and unfortunately, the men leave him for dead and the drug fails ... however, his body is inexplicably shrunk down to the size and rough proportions of a first grader, leaving him to create an alias for himself and hunt down his "killers" to find a cure. The reason he calls himself "Conan" is after the author "Sir Arthur Conan Doyle" who is famous for creating Sherlock Holmes. 

... If you haven't deduced this by now, Detective Conan is one of my favorite mangas. I f*cking love a good murder mystery.


Detective Conan

9 years ago


Detective Conan

9 years ago

Shhh...Kiel I'm trying to get them to be surprised.


Detective Conan

9 years ago

... You find out in the first freaking episode / issue. It's not a surprise. xD

Detective Conan

9 years ago

Don't you know Capys can't read?

Like look at all the garbage hes posted, obviously hes just spurting stuff out of his mouth.


Detective Conan

9 years ago

You make an excellent point. I should've figured that out by now, really, as he doesn't listen to anyone... >_>

Detective Conan

9 years ago

Arthur Conan Doyle, you philistines.  Although, Howard's creation is the reason they had to call it Case Closed in the US.

(Japanese version all the way.  Read the  online scsnlatons.)

Detective Conan

9 years ago

I bet one of the reasons why there's not many stories about the Black Organization is because Aoyama wants to keep the series going as long as it could. The nature of the show means Detective Conan is the type that could on for years and years. It's a formula that works. I never got the chance to see the movies.

Also, subtitles are captions. That's not the right word to use for print media.

Detective Conan

9 years ago

Internet bro. No need for nothing. And its rumored that Gosho already thought of the ending to the series.

Detective Conan

9 years ago

Oh, that's good news. When it does end, I'll probably check back in. I actually didn't know there were so many of the films, which was why I never watched any, There's just way too many, but I am going to look in to the Conan and Lupin crossover.

Detective Conan

9 years ago

You should also look into Detective Conan: The Phantom of Baker Street. xD Granted, it's the only movie of that series that I've seen, but it was intriguing and ... honestly rather tragic.

Detective Conan

9 years ago

All the movies are tragic. 

This is my favorite one because the last scene is so epic, especially the soundtrack. Sometimes I just play the final scene for the music and for an excuse to say "I'm listening to music."

Detective Conan

9 years ago

Thanks, Kiel. I'll definitely look into that Baker Street movie. And thanks for that link, Anthony. I love a good tragedy. I find a lot of the Detective Conan mysteries tend to have a tragic story behind it.

Detective Conan

9 years ago
It's a pretty rad series. Doesn't the English translation of the manga call itself Case Closed or something lame like that?

Detective Conan

9 years ago


Detective Conan

9 years ago

Yes it does.

Detective Conan

9 years ago

Both the manga and the anime localizations on the US is Case Closed. You can call it lame, but there is a reason for it. Conan is a trademarked name. While Detective Conan on its own is fine, I can see a company doing what they can to prevent any potential legal issues beforehand.

Detective Conan

9 years ago

It's annoying.  They kept Edogawa Conan-- sorry, "Conan Edogawa," but they changed Shinichi's name to "Jimmy Kudo."

Also, Ran and Kogoro are now "Rachel Moore" and "Richard Moore."  


Detective Conan

9 years ago
At least Moore is pretty close to the original name. XD

Detective Conan

9 years ago

Agreed, what the hell was with them calling him "Jimmy"?

... Rachel isn't too bad of a name change, I guess, but I like the name "Ran" and I also like the name "Kogoro" and it honestly bugs me when they think we need stuff "Americanized." >_> The Japanese is fine, leave it alone, it's just weird to change it.

If they were trying to pander to little kids by giving them names easier to pronounce than "Shinichi" ... I have to question how young they think their audience is. There's a bloody murder every other episode (including one where a guy carries around a chick's severed head in his shirt), Shinichi has seen Ran naked and bathed with her I'm not sure how many times, a lot of the motives are related to some pretty adult themes, every now in and then the murder was a suicide ... I dunno, but I really don't think this was intended for six year olds or anyone young enough to trip over the protagonists' names. 

Detective Conan

9 years ago

The great Spartacus has watched the anime (Yes, gladiators watch anime). The characters looked a lot like rhinos from a side view.