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Dream Thread

6 years ago

I was going to resurrect the old dream thread until I saw HugsGoodbye created it and the last thing I want to do is resurrect content by banned faggots.

Anyway, speaking of resurrection, had a pleasant dream recently involving that theme.

Dreamed I dug up the old dead dog in the backyard and injected her with a needle and she came back to life. Oddly, she wasn't even decomposed or anything and was happily running about with her bright white fluffy fur.

Weird thing is two weeks ago I dreamed that I was burying the new puppy in the backyard beside the old one. (No, not alive. She was dead.) Which might explain why the pup wasn't around in this new dream with necroed dog.

Dream Thread

6 years ago
I dream alternatively of the zombie and nuclear apocalypse.

But I day dream of Newt Gingrich's idealized moon colony.

Dream Thread

6 years ago

I had one last night where I was on holidays with my mates, and I went to the ATM, but accidentally pressed to withdraw the maximum amount of money. All of a sudden, a shit ton of euros, as well as British pounds I got super anxious about converting into a real currency, and some weird deeds and shit spurted out and made a massive mess, and I was trying to collect everything. I collected the money easily, but then I was trying to collect the weird deeds and pieces of paper that I was hoping no one would realize they were valuable and steal. Someone tried helping me, but I told them to leave in case they realize they were valauble and stole them.

Dream Thread

6 years ago
I've been having really bad horror dreams recently, like falling off canyons or being bitten by a shark.

I hope nurse Emma Watson makes a comeback

Dream Thread

6 years ago
Coincidentally, I considered making a dream thread because I had my first lucid dream the other day. I used all of the tactics to make them more likely to happen and be remembered for a while, but that was years ago.

Dream Thread

6 years ago
Did you save the princess and slay the dragon?

Dream Thread

5 years ago

Yeah so had this weird dream recently where I was in this hospital where people were getting tattoos all over their bodies.

Though the tattooing was some odd process of stripping off the flesh completely and exposing the bloody muscle. You know like you’d see in a medical book or a Hellraiser movie.

The hospital itself was sort of like one of those old grungy 1940s-1960s settings I dunno something within that time period. Looked like something out of Jacob’s Ladder, American Horror Story Asylum or Bioshock (Take your pick).

Not sure why I was there, I was just sort of wandering around. The doctors performing this “tattooing” ranged in temperament. They all seemed pretty tired since it was a long process of stripping the flesh off and getting it perfect.

One doctor was on the verge of breaking down saying he couldn’t do it any more and how it wasn't right.

Another doctor was taking a break because he was alternating back and forth between a brother and sister couple who apparently were getting this process done to bypass the incest laws. (Yeah I have no idea) When I saw them they both didn’t have any skin on their faces anymore so maybe that had something to do with it.

Meanwhile there was also some killer stalking the halls of the hospital looking for one of the doctors for some reason. He was dirty and dressed in a brown coat, carried a bunch of sharp weapons on the coat that were jingling around as he walked.

He actually saw the doctor he was after and quickened his pace and was shouting threats, but the doctor pulled out a shotgun and blasted him with it. The killer then melted into a goo pile, clothes, weapons and all, but he was still alive and screaming. Everyone just walked around him when passing in the hallway.

Anyway that’s all I remember of it.

Dream Thread

5 years ago
I was going to go down the thread telling everyone their dream means they're gay but fuck I don't know what to say to this one. Keep it in mind for a horror story I guess.