PerforatedPenguin, The Journeyman Scrivener

Member Since


Last Activity

5/2/2024 12:02 PM

EXP Points


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Duel Stats

131 wins / 101 losses




Read my story, In 3, for some sci-fi!
Alternatively, try my foray into Grimdark Fantasy: The Red Church.

- Jackpot! (750)
- Rookie Of The Year (200)
- Dedicated Minion (180)
- Tallyman (60)


Trophies Earned

Earning 100 Points Earning 500 Points Earning 1,000 Points Earning 2,000 Points Given by BerkaZerka on 03/02/2024 - Cause Penguin~


In 3
An ambassador to a distant civilization, you return home just in time to find the Sol system on the brink of destruction. Rally your fellow humans, if you can. You've been gone a long time, but they haven't changed, at all.
Entry for Endmaster's Prompt Contest 2. Heavily inspired by Liu Cixin's Rememberance of the Earth's Past trilogy, as well as Wandering Earth. Republish (9/13/2023): - Proofreading and minor editing - Added new branch taking place in other planets and colonies

The Red Church
"In your dreams, you see the crimson spires rise from the fog menacingly... a voice, whispering 'come back' over, and over again."

Author's Notes

Entry for Endmaster's Prompt Contest 3, 2024
Prompt: A story about making a deal with a demon/devil.

Articles Written

Basic HTML
This article gives basic information on HTML in the text editor. Things included are paragraph, line breaks, bold, italics, underline, strikethrough, links, and images.

Recent Posts

Is socialistoutcast just a massive bitch? on 5/2/2024 12:02:18 PM
Dunno. Why’d you decide to ping end?

New here, what's good on 4/30/2024 4:10:08 PM
Cool, welcome to the site! I hope you enjoy your time here. If you want to share some snippets of writing without publishing and whatnot, the Creative Corner and Writing Workshop are good places to check.

how do you create a story game? on 4/26/2024 9:12:58 AM
I completely believe you.

Hey on 4/25/2024 12:06:52 AM
Hey Bezro, I like End's stories too.

Free Reviews Here! on 4/18/2024 4:59:03 PM
I'd submit it, and let the article mods decide. It reads like a final draft and contains pretty valuable information!

Preview of articles you write on 4/15/2024 8:21:10 PM
Funny coincidence, I just made Mystic a small unpublished preview explaining my hacky method of viewing it.

See if this helps.

Free Reviews Here! on 4/15/2024 8:03:01 PM
Brilliant! I was excited for this all day. Thank you Mystic for the absolutely massive review, and I'm glad you enjoyed the read.

As I mentioned my notes, I was experimenting with writing a lot less restrained and nitpicky, which helped my pacing but had the unfortunate side effect of my grammar faltering at times(if only I had time to proofread... I wonder what happened there). It's good to hear that overall the writing was conducive to establishing the setting.

Also unfortunately, with the last-week contest rush the story ended up falling short of what I initially imagined it to be. In my intense bouts of thinking about writing I had indeed visualized a sweeping epic spanning more churches than two, and the first half of the story was set up for such a structure. That never got realized, of course, but I tried to stick the landing as gracefully as I could (still trying to figure outhow the whole parents plotline could've been fitted in, no satisfying solution yet haha).

In the end I'm pretty satisfied with the final result and will probably leave it as is. Thanks again Mystic!

If you or anyone else are curious about the article thing

Free Reviews Here! on 4/11/2024 4:08:53 PM
As of writing, all the contest entries have 10+ ratings except for 3, so if you want to rate or maybe review, those are good candidates too.

The Village That Was
The Red Church
The Grand Pharaoh's Tomb

Deleted Stories on 4/9/2024 11:15:07 AM
I suggest getting the extension on Brad's profile, it allows you to click sneak-peek stories as links (along with other useful functionalities).

Criticism needed on 4/3/2024 10:54:14 PM
Yup, the score fluctuations were largely due to a high weighted user changing their (joke) ratings around. Ben can expect the current true rating of his story to fall somewhere between its max and the current score (~5).