Alavander, The Reader

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9/2/2013 12:36 AM

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Hey, So I just joined recently and  am in the middle of my firts story, "The Apprentice"


i, Wizard

Originally, I wished to call this Wizard( like endmasters Necromancer) but it was alreadty taken(damn). Anyway, this is pretty much a story of you trying to become, you guessed it, a Wizard.

The Apprentice

This game is a fantasy adventure following the life of a young man who is a Wizard's Apprentice all through his apprenticeship. Please forgive any lapses or mistake. I have just joined 5 minutes ago and this is my first game. I invite any constructive Criticism, but PLEASE, no whining for complaining sake.

Recent Posts

Special Treatment on 10/9/2011 4:36:51 PM

I have to say, Bo, what you just heard and got cheated by sounds like total Sh** to me. I mean, Dear GOD, they are Invited. the Invitee should be honored, and respected, but in know way should they get preferential treatment purely for this fact. on the other hand, as a child, if I went to a friends house, I could(at first) get away with more than my friend. BUT, I still was on my best behaviour, and did not expect any extra treatment for, say, spitting out thier food or scuffing the floor with tons of dirt. in the same way, the Tennessee team should not be able to get away with anything or losing, as in this situation winning is "good behaviour". so NO, I do not agree with this, and say that you should really talk to your coach about this

PS: the only expection would be for a totally new team, or a very small or weak team, in whixh case they should be thrown the occasional bone(win). but only one close one, not like in finals or anything.

Thank you for listening to this semi-rant