Boleslaw, The Reader
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Hello and regards from the King of Poland, if you are here looking for some winged hussars or just philosophical debate then I'm Normally on every few weeks so expect it to be a slow conversation.
(Insert interesting text here)
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Hello! Again. wups. on 10/30/2019 11:58:11 PMI have only ever had this account, 2 years old now apparently. It feels like just yesterday i made my first post.
EDIT: And just in case you ever come back to lurk at your old account, you're a fucking liar on top of being a massive faggot.
You didn't get banned for commenting on any story negatively (In fact, by your ratings history, you never even bothered to do much of that anyway) you got banned for spamming shitposts on the forums like a fucktard.
But by all means continue to tell your Choice of Faggot friends that you got "unjustly bullied" and now have "PTSD" Lol.
Fic's Legal Lolis on 10/30/2019 11:25:17 PM
idk what server i joined, but my spacebar stopped working, so i said my spacebar yeeted away, then i was moved somewhere else. Then i was feeling lonely so i tried to flirt with the person there with me but then i was kicked from the discord. I feel very rejected.
Fic's Legal Lolis on 10/30/2019 10:30:04 PM
Hahahahahahaha, how do i join this discord.
Fic's Legal Lolis on 10/30/2019 10:25:49 PM
Well... that is in a oversimplified way what legal means.
Shitposting Thread on 10/29/2019 8:55:29 PM
Way to make this less happy.
Shitposting Thread on 10/29/2019 8:17:30 PM
Shitposting Thread on 10/29/2019 7:32:10 PM
It was funny that he was replying with a new account half way through these messages.
We're back! on 10/29/2019 4:06:28 PM
What happened? did someone move on to the land of milk and honey?
Taco Loco's Special on Dysphoria on 10/29/2019 4:04:14 PM
I am jelous, i have been trying to grow a beard for so damn long and all i got is this dissapoint of a stubble.
The new Price of Freedom now released! on 6/17/2019 2:02:46 AM
So does this mean we are allowed to fan girl over this? cause i am a little.