Hi! Gatekeeperrose here. Or tacocat/fanofluffstuff/crashanddive. I don't remember what all I've gone by here lol.
Honestly I don't remember jack about this site, despite having been here for like 6 or 7 years now. Yay dissociative amnesia! Lots of shit was going on while I was here so most things were just wiped in general. Just recently remembered this site was a thing tho, and I have Stories I want to write. For realzies this time, instead of having a bunch of shitty barely-started blobs of bleh.
I don't remember who I've pissed off, or who is a Chill Person, or anything like that, and I don't really feel like slogging through the hundreds of different pm conversations with different people on my past accounts to find out. Really hoping that I didn't do one of those cringy-ass "rage quit" things, cause if I did, I genuinely don't remember why. I feel like I just more flat out forgot that this place existed.
So everyone is pretty much a new slate! I remember that endmaster is scary, and mizal is a chill person I think. Ford has a bunch of accounts and does cool stuff. bradindvorak (has? had?) an awesome profile with a tacocat setting and does code stuff. Something with strawberry pudding vs sporks. Warrior cats invasion. jjj is cool and intimidating and had that awesome commander(?) rp game but then the rp forum was yeeted out the window. uhm. coins? Or does he have a new name? I think he has a new name now? *shrugs* That's p much 95% of what I remember of this site.
Also the story editor is a lot different than what I remember so that's been tripping me up a lot. And I feel like I have to relearn e v e r y t h i n g. Probably going to be asking the same questions in the advanced editor forum that I asked 3 years ago. Or however long it's been since I've been here.
Ah. Going to college now, for video game design. Which feels really weird to say, especially since I originally joined this site back in middle school. wow. Also I'm genderfluid(?) now so *jazz hands* I'm a spehshul shnowflakeeeee bleh. I don't really care about pronouns. She/He/It/They all work, or the overall term 'shit' covers it very nicely.
teal deer: I don't remember anything, and I'm an adult now.