Bovolt, The Reader

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7/29/2014 12:25 PM

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1 win / 5 losses





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Eternal: The Eternalborn Expansion is released! on 1/10/2014 12:54:28 PM

Here's a question that I haven't seen asked. Roughly how large are the nations/continents/world as a whole? I'm rather unclear on the mileage.

Eternal Update on 12/12/2012 9:00:57 AM

"I think this path has a few more elements that make it a little darker. "

Wait... DarkER? Everybody brace yourselves, we're going to be personally strangling children in front of their mothers.

An epic tale on 6/7/2011 10:42:09 PM

I don't know, I was almost thinking of fleshing out the story as much as I possibly could without actually writing it, so when I get back I'd just type it up in a week or so. But if I could pull that off I could probably just finish it. hmmm

An epic tale on 6/7/2011 6:27:42 PM

So, I've decided that I am going to write two stories with completion of the first with a perfect ending giving a password to start the second, akin to The Tower. The reason for such is that the tale would just be far too long to properly have in one story. I have just finished the choice mapping on an obnoxiously large piece of paper and have the story's skeletal structure completly assembled.


Unfortunately, I'm on a time crunch. In roughly a month and a half I get to go off to boot camp (yipee). As such I won't have access to a computer for several months. Thankfully, I'm a non-combat member of the airforce, so I will have a computer after basic training.  Being as it may, in no way could I finish both stories before I ship. I figure that I could possibly finish the first story before I leave, but I am afraid that it will be rushed by my standards unless I commit many summer days to non-stop writing.


Seeing as how many of you know more about writing than I do, what should I do?

"Perfect" ending in the oder of the midnight sun on 4/30/2011 11:29:38 AM

Yea I was talking about Artemis :( Oh well, amazing story nonetheless. Don't stop making great stories :P

"Perfect" ending in the oder of the midnight sun on 4/29/2011 11:48:06 PM

I'm completely in love with this story, one of the best story games I've ever read. I'm saddened by the ending though since *spoiler* always seems to die on me. Is there a true ending that I'm missing here?