Dissident, The Reader
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Re: Save Games on 7/18/2013 12:00:54 PMOh, and also I mean the same storygame, but if for example I finished one chapter then completed the second at a later date, would save data carry over? Just something I'm wondering about.
Re: Save Games on 7/18/2013 12:00:04 PM
Yeah, I only implemented it today but it worked a charm. Still have to tidy up the alignment, but it should be really handy when I pair it with an item the player can use. Thanks so much for the suggestion! :)
Re: Save Games on 7/18/2013 11:38:06 AM
Hi everybody, back again with another obtuse question (or maybe it's just advice, depending on your take). ;P I'm basically just wondering if selectively releasing parts of your game affects players- that is, can save files from a completed chapter then carry across to a newly created one, or should I finish the game in its entirety so that it all gels together? I hope this makes sense- it's just that my project is getting quite ambitious, so I'd like to release just a couple of chapters at a time if possible, get some feedback, e.t.c.
Any suggestions?
Can you customise how variables appear? on 7/16/2013 11:32:34 AM
Thanks, I'll give it a spin and see how I go!
Can you customise how variables appear? on 7/16/2013 11:31:57 AM
OK then, that's very useful (not to mention extremely prompt!) advice. I did have the intention of delving into scripting as the story I've planned out will require the flexibility that offers, but I wanted to lay the initial groundwork and weave in complexity from there.
Thank you both very much for the guidance, I'll be sure to try that out! Just a follow-up question, if the player wanted to manually check their stats is it possible to achieve that through use of an item for example? Maybe not every one will be as neurotic as me, but I like to crunch the numbers as I play through. Haha.
Can you customise how variables appear? on 7/16/2013 11:09:04 AM
Hi all,
So I thought I'd finally confess my ignorance and voice one of what I'm sure will be questions to come, and also take the opportunity to introduce myself to the site! As an aspiring writer and an avid gamer interactive fiction combines two interests that are very close to my heart, and I must say this community seems very supportive.
So I've been playing around with the advanced editor (after scouring all the guides, I promise!), and was just wondering if I can "sort" variables so more key ones (e.g. health) appear before and possibly separated from the secondary traits (e.g. strength, intelligence, charisma, e.t.c). I've had a look but can't see any immediately obvious way to do it- does anybody have any suggestions, or a way they have achieved this in their own games? The editor seems to sort the variables alphabetically, which I found rather odd. Any help would be MASSIVELY appreciated!
Thanks in advance!