Moved this to the Advanced Editor forum!
You can refer to variables directly by typing %%VARIABLENAMEHERE%% on a page. For example, if you wanted a page to display how much gold a player has, and the variable GOLD is equal to 15, you would write:
"You have %%GOLD%% gold."
And this would show up as:
"You have 15 gold."
This also means that you aren't forced to display variables on every page - every time you want a variable shown you would type in the "You have %%GOLD%% gold." thing. If you want this message displayed on every page, you can edit the Global Page Script (check the Help & Info section if you're interested in learning scripting!) to make it so that your custom message appears on every page!
Unfortunately, there are no ways to rearrange the order in which variables are displayed if you want to avoid scripting and would rather just have your variables appear on every page like they are currently. They'll show up in a set order unless you customise things by referencing variables directly.
Hope this helps. If you have any more questions don't hesitate to ask!