JustYourAverageJoe, The Reader

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7/17/2017 5:39 PM

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First Story seeking advice on 7/11/2017 8:06:19 AM

Thank you all for your helpful advice ! I have outlined some of the choices and possibilities as mentioned in the help & info section and in some of the comments above. I shall carry on doing that, maybe some form of "tree" with the different branches of the story on a blank bit of paper. I also realise that the player must feel like they're choices have an important impact on the story. So I will try and make the choices as meaningful as possible. Building up tension is also a good idea ! I'm now realizing the full extent of the work ahead of me and am glad I chose a story which can be as easy or complex as I choose. 

First Story seeking advice on 7/10/2017 4:08:07 PM

Hi all,

I've played quite a few stories on the site and I've finally decided I would try and write one ! I've read the advice on the Help & Info section but wanted to run this by the community. I'm going to keep it fairly simple for my first story. I was thinking of a story where you're stuck in the middle of a robbery, possibly armed robbery in a drugs store. Now what word would be best ? Depending on the country people might refer to a drug store as a pharmacy or a chemists for example. 

Advice on the story or what is the best term would be most appreciated !