NotJor, The Reader

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Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining on 10/15/2024 1:16:28 AM
The great thing about the whole right to free speech thing is that it only applies to the government; you can’t make it illegal to say hate speech for example (because that would for sure be crossing a line), but it for the most part doesn’t stop private institutions from limiting the kind of speech they tolerate on private platforms. So we, as civil society, not the government, get to decide as a society what kind of things we accept. I reread the Nazi thread and yeah I misread it and it was pretty vocally against the white supremacist. But based on the language in the thread I think it was pretty clear that everyone reasonable agrees that there ARE actually atrocious or harmful ideas or beliefs to hold, white supremacy being one of them. Most studies are pretty much in agreement that dumbass shit like conspiracy theories like flat earth don’t stop spreading because you argue against them or you call them out, doing that actually brings them more attention. Which is to say that the best way to deal with that isn’t to argue against it and “debate” someone like a Nazi and pretend like your respective positions are equally valid in some false dichotomy but to actually moderate. I don’t really care what your background is or if you’re actually an “ill-adjusted middle school boy”; saying the shit that you say is at best edgelord material and at worst a net negative for society. That being said, your types aren’t exactly the worst bigots society has to deal with given the existence of actual racists and the like, so I’m just gonna make what I know will be the extremely controvertible decision to stay out of the cesspits and just read the stories (how will you live without me?!?!?!!)

Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining on 10/14/2024 10:14:45 PM
shit got me there

Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining on 10/14/2024 9:45:17 PM
I’ve been reading CoG and HG for years and was super excited to find this site. I just wanted to let you all know I have mad respect for making your own site and your own IFs because the culture at CoG/HG is probably too focused on DEI to the detriment of story quality, to mention nothing of their business model. At the same time I have zero respect this shitty community because if CoG is full of extreme SJWs this site is an actual dumpster fire of edgy middle school boys who think they’re cool and beating the system by saying faggot and retard every chance they get to drop a slur or make a racist joke for the tiny power trip it gives them. Being ill-adjusted to society is not the same thing as going against the system. It is literally so easy to not be problematic, I don’t get why the best alternative to CoG has to be so god awful that white supremacists are showing up on your threads and people are coming to defend them. Begging EndMaster who seems to be the boss around here (liking Eternal so far) to do some damn moderation. Cheers.