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Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining

I’ve been reading CoG and HG for years and was super excited to find this site. I just wanted to let you all know I have mad respect for making your own site and your own IFs because the culture at CoG/HG is probably too focused on DEI to the detriment of story quality, to mention nothing of their business model.

At the same time I have zero respect this shitty community because if CoG is full of extreme SJWs this site is an actual dumpster fire of edgy middle school boys who think they’re cool and beating the system by saying faggot and retard every chance they get to drop a slur or make a racist joke for the tiny power trip it gives them. Being ill-adjusted to society is not the same thing as going against the system. It is literally so easy to not be problematic, I don’t get why the best alternative to CoG has to be so god awful that white supremacists are showing up on your threads and people are coming to defend them. Begging EndMaster who seems to be the boss around here (liking Eternal so far) to do some damn moderation. Cheers.

Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining


Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining

shit got me there

Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining

Most of the members doing all the heavy lifting now started off as edgy middle schoolers, they need their place too. I don't think our five year investments are hurting you or your ability to just read what you like.

Anyway, it's always amazing when they hit that age their eyes are opened to the cringe of their 14 year old self. Why would we deny that.

Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining


What're you talking about, we got tons of edgy teenage girls on here calling people retarded faggots too.

Anyway, generally coming into someone’s house and essentially saying “You all suck because of x” will incur a shotgun blast to the face. If you went to CoG for example and did the same thing you would’ve gotten banned immediately. (Hell if you did that at ANY of the current interactive fiction forums/discords you’d probably get banned)

Here we don’t do that, you get called a faggot (Or whatever) and you’re allowed to keep it moving since contrary to popular belief this place is fairly diverse and tolerant.

Not sure where you're getting this idea about "defending white supremacy" on here since we just had a thread discussing how we actually banned a REAL Nazi (As opposed to just normal people that the CoGites like to scream about being "Nazis"). Shit, most the current admin team falls under one of the many "oppressed" groups. We'd be pretty shit at being representatives of the 4th Reich.

But since you’re begging for more moderation, here’s a little story about the subject: You know who else once told me how to mod this place? Dan from fucking CoG who went around spreading CoG’s specific brand of wokie disease to the IForums and "helping" them with rewriting the rules.

Now that place is just as cucked as Jason when he’s watching some black buck pound his wife in the ass.

I didn’t listen to Dan’s faggot demands so there’s not really much hope of me taking your advice on the matter.

Anyway enjoy the stories.

Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining

Lol, I skimmed right over the "white supremacist" part. But yeah,
considering we dug up the sole thread about the one actual Nazi that was ever here from years ago, just to let the new generation point and laugh at him too, idk what this guy's on about with that. Maybe just doesn't read very well.

What's next, asking why we let the mentally ill groom teenage boys on Skype?

Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining

Commended by Mizal on 10/15/2024 2:25:21 AM

No one's "in charge" here, we have a custodial staff of volunteer oldheads who occasionally ban people because it's funny. In any case, cesspit or not, we like it the way it is and you're a literally who with a day old account. 

Also, this site predates CoG by about a decade. 

Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining

Commended by hetero_malk on 10/14/2024 11:19:58 PM

Little known story: in 2018, one of our greatest cultural contributors sucked off a random Asian dude. He did this so that he could give "fag" passes to everyone. And his sacrifice will not be forgotten.

Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining


I'm guessing Steve?

Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining



Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining


We drop slurs and racist jokes because why not? Despite what some people say, any speech that is not an active threat to life or liberty is free speech. Many of us here at CYS work jobs, go to school, have families and lives, so your comment of being ill-adjusted to society is an erroneous one.

Also, what "system" do  you think we're trying to "go against" or "beat?" If we're acting this way only within the forums of this website, and the moderators talk that way themselves, then what we're doing is pretty par for the course.

Not sure what you mean by us defending white supremacy here. I mean shit, EndMaster uses the term "nigger" in two of his stories: Tales from the Basement 2 and Suzy's Strange Saga.

And if you think the language you've seen so far is bad, definitely stay away from my story Terrorist. 

In all technicalities, the fact that you made an entire forum post about this instead of just messaging EndMaster about it privately is in itself problematic, because you're basically bitching to all of us about something you should know is not going to change and causing a scene.

Also, begging the guy who calls everyone fags to discipline us for calling people fags is retarded. I'm going to chalk up your rant and desperate plea to the mods for censorship as the unfortunate byproduct of Jason's brainwashing. 


Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining



Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining


And before the OP points out Ben's post being EXACTLY what he's bitching about, it should be noted that Ben is an adult with a job and has not only procreated with another human being, but he's also got a half black child.

Of course that all doesn't stop him from being an edgelord, but it does defy the stereotype. You can't just believe the place is somehow inhabited by nothing but edgy teenage dudes that say edgy things.

It would be like if I said ALL CoGites are a bunch of retarded brainwashed faggots that whine about romance shit all the time because they're not getting laid in real life and continue to support a company that repeatedly kicks them in the girl parts while taking their money...well actually that would be a pretty accurate statement.

Nevermind, bad comparison.

Anyway, enjoy the stories!

Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining


You're right. In light of this, I have banned every slur-user on the site.

Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining


Eternal is such a good story!!! It's good that you're liking it, otherwise you'd be a complete degenerate.

I plead guilty to all of the above, minus the part about being a boy. That's not only untrue but hurtful.

Welcome to the site!!! If you want to try to write a storygame, feel free to message me with any questions, comments, or concerns— or if you just want to read and review stories, that works too. I'd be glad to try and help you.

The best thing about the forums is that you're not required to read them or post on them!!!!!!!!!!!! So if you have a problem, you can kindly shove it up your own ass and just enjoy the parts of the site you like :)

If, however, you decide to be a bit more tolerant and inclusive, you'll find the forums to be actually a really accepting place. You don't get banned for even the shittiest of beliefs, or for having incredibly black and white morals! All people are allowed to exist

Once again, welcome. I hope you continue to enjoy the stuff CYS has to offer. (PS read my story, something tells me you'll really enjoy it)

Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining

The great thing about the whole right to free speech thing is that it only applies to the government; you can’t make it illegal to say hate speech for example (because that would for sure be crossing a line), but it for the most part doesn’t stop private institutions from limiting the kind of speech they tolerate on private platforms. So we, as civil society, not the government, get to decide as a society what kind of things we accept.

I reread the Nazi thread and yeah I misread it and it was pretty vocally against the white supremacist. But based on the language in the thread I think it was pretty clear that everyone reasonable agrees that there ARE actually atrocious or harmful ideas or beliefs to hold, white supremacy being one of them. Most studies are pretty much in agreement that dumbass shit like conspiracy theories like flat earth don’t stop spreading because you argue against them or you call them out, doing that actually brings them more attention. Which is to say that the best way to deal with that isn’t to argue against it and “debate” someone like a Nazi and pretend like your respective positions are equally valid in some false dichotomy but to actually moderate.

I don’t really care what your background is or if you’re actually an “ill-adjusted middle school boy”; saying the shit that you say is at best edgelord material and at worst a net negative for society. That being said, your types aren’t exactly the worst bigots society has to deal with given the existence of actual racists and the like, so I’m just gonna make what I know will be the extremely controvertible decision to stay out of the cesspits and just read the stories (how will you live without me?!?!?!!)

Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining


TL;DR - noob wants to be nOt LiKe OtHeR gIrLs and uses a lot of big words just to say "lol fag" to the entire kingdom of CYStia bc we say stuff like "lol fag". Then noob says she'll just not visit the forums now, much like my ex who feels the need to tell me he doesn't want to talk to me and that I "might not hear from him in a while" after he messages me a giant paragraph and I tell him to fuck off (:

My version isn't only shorter, it's funnier. L to the noob who wrote many paragraphs of complaint, hope it made her feel better

Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining


Lol nobody was debating with the Nazi. The whole thing was mocking him. because letting retards speak so you can set them up to knock 'em down for lols is better and more entertaining. Sort of like what we're doing with you right now rather than banning you from OUR society since you aren't exactly contributing much to it.

In any case that was a whole lot of continued whining and backpeddling, but the important thing is that you’ve admitted to being a retarded faggot who jumped to conclusions and are moving along.

It's pretty much about the best we can expect of CoGites, so enjoy the stories!

Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining

Okay see, if you had bothered to contribute literally anything to the site but whining, maybe someone would care what you think. Maybe I would have even read that post! (I didn't, btw.) The site basically is what you make of it, we're not after any kind of mandatory edginess quota or anything over here. If you want to see "more civilized discourse" then be somebody who has displayed some minimal level of activity and effort, and then start a topic that doesn't make people want to stuff you in a locker. Spawning in here in a throwaway account and waggling your finger is not the way. (Also everyone here should vote in the new Thunderdome duel)

Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining


I'd reccomend some breathing exercises and mindful meditation. They will become useful tools in your arsenal going forward. 

Seriously though, I don't think the things people say here are that deep, it's good that we can feel like we don't have to censor ourself or be in fear of constant judgement for any language mishap here, at least if you're actually growing and improving on criticism (as harsh as it is sometimes). 


Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining


I thought that almost everyone is in the 20-40 range by now. The site is ancient.

Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining


Actually I kind of assumed you were a teenager

Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining

I think of everyone as somewhere around 19. I don't like the way people get older with the passage of time, or the way they don't look like their avatars in real life, or the way they sometimes change the pronouns they introduced themselves with, so I just ignore literally all of those details and it works because I'm old.

Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining


You're truly timeless in mind mizal.  Gonna have to change my pfp now after you said that though. Can't be caught giving off tranny vibes. 

Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining

I have been here for over 7 years. I'm only 18

Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining

Also does anyone know what DEI means? Maybe Avery? After you get done calling the noob a faggot I mean.

Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining


Diversity, Equity, Inclusion. 

Policies that "give voices to the minorities" fall under this umbrella. Examples include quotas for employees and management based on race, critical race theory, letting the trannies walk around in the girls locker room with their cocks out, etc.

Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining


Diversity, Equality and Inclusion.

Lot of people are bitching about it in nerd related shit nowadays.

Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining

19 hours ago

Dickwads, E-beggars and Inbred, I believe.

Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining

20 hours ago
I'm an edgy teenager and I don't call people slurs, mostly. Unless they deserve them, fag.

Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining

20 hours ago

If my voice means anything here, then I'll say my piece as well in regards to this. Personally, I don't use slurs and try to be edifying in speech whenever I can, unless it's in a space where I have some amount of familiarity with the others in the room and we can all give each other benefit of the doubt when we say a joke and know not to take each other seriously. I admit though that I'm not perfect in this and am trying to do better when I go off-base.

However, that's my standard for myself. I do not expect nor demand anyone to follow in the way of how I regulate myself. It's unreasonable for me to expect that. I also appreciate the freedom of choice of how people on this site express themselves. The only exceptions to this principle are the obvious: legal issues and actions that cause proveable, tangible harm. How one regards the words of another person on this site is his/her responsibility. Offense is taken, not given. You are free to associate or disassociate with this site at your leisure, unless you break the rules. You are not obligated to be here just because the other sites with this hobby are substandard in quality. Create your own space if this one offends you, or tolerate the fact not everyone has the same personal principles for speech.

In regards to moderation, the people over here have set standards and practices that have been successfully upheld for a while now. They have been consistent and have the right to exercise their authority as they see fit. I respect that as I consider myself a guest here, unless otherwise specified, and they are the hosts. I follow their rules as long as I wish to be here. I have the right to complain about the manner in which they wield their authority, but they aren't obligated to listen to me. I am thankful for that because I wouldn't want them to be the sort of people that would capitulate to a mob if that sort of collective would be arrayed against me, or you. That's the sort of people they are.

If none of this means anything to you because you don't respect "this shitty community," so be it. However, I will say that this is not a bad community. I like it here, and I like the people here. I like the mods here too and respect how they've maintained the site. This site is not problematic. Where is your bevy of experience to compare and contrast to the people who have been here for many years? What personal experience do you have with moderation and conflict resolution? Where were you when this site was made? Who are you?

Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining

20 hours ago
Aren't you just another bot?

Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining

20 hours ago

Well, some say I am robotic.

Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining

19 hours ago

Robotic intellect maybe. Truly a philosopher, very well articulated. 

Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining

19 hours ago

Did you just assume my gender? Banned for 1000 years for bad gender politics!

... That aside, I hope you enjoyed your traditional CYS style welcome. ^_^