Puppy, The Reader
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Fuck it, I'm not rewriting all the shit on here, because this site's stupid and deleted my MOTHERFUCKING profile. Deal with it.
It's been brought to my attention I may have offended some people. Jesus fucking christ, get over it. It's the goddamn internet.
Recent Posts
Repressed Memories on 7/23/2017 5:18:32 AMI do not recognize verbal piss, only the physical liquid form, so therefore, you are free to be claimed. Hold on, let me drink a lot of vodka to make it extra raunchy for ya.
Repressed Memories on 7/23/2017 5:15:17 AM
I'm going to piss on you, and then you're mine
Repressed Memories on 7/23/2017 5:10:44 AM
Fucking balls that was the dark ages of CYS
James is Troublemaking Furfag on 5/21/2015 10:55:07 PM
I'm not usually into RPGs like that. I know a guy that owns Skyrim, but I've never had a particular interest in it.
James is Troublemaking Furfag on 5/21/2015 10:42:38 PM
Damn! Wish I was here to get banned then.
James is Troublemaking Furfag on 5/21/2015 10:41:51 PM
Fargoth the diseased homosexual... xD
I'm not into those kinds of games anyways, and telling me that about the series has kind of just turned me off of it. But thanks anyway.
James is Troublemaking Furfag on 5/21/2015 10:33:53 PM
I have never played Skyrim, so I don't even know the extent of the joke, but I get the jist of it.
James is Troublemaking Furfag on 5/21/2015 10:24:26 PM
EVERYONE CALM THE FUCK DOWN. SIT DOWN AND STOP FLAILING YOUR NERD WRISTS (sorry I had to do it @mizal , funny ass shit you said there)
Let me state the fucking facts:
EndMaster is a fucking racist, and proud of it. Who gives two and a half shits, sorry, but get the fuck over it.
Mizal is one antagonizing motherfucker.
JamesCoker is the word of reason.
Almighty is being a too easily offended prick.
What's Up? on 5/21/2015 10:09:22 PM
I'll hit your ass so hard with a jewelry box you'll look like a drunk ass Mr. T.
THEN I'm going to shove my foot so far up your ass that i'm going to use your mouth as an ankle bracelet
James is Troublemaking Furfag on 5/21/2015 10:01:18 PM
So far, you seem like a particularly cool motherfucker, EndMaster.