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What's Up?

9 years ago

Wassup?! I am Puppy, the younger sibling of that big ass pit-bull that no-one wants to fuck with because it's a fucking pitbull. So uh, hi!

What's Up?

9 years ago

What's up, dawg? *BA-DUM TSSSS!*

What's Up?

9 years ago

So far you are the 'coolest' person on here.

Shit. That was the worst pun I have ever dropped. First impressions, and I fucking blew it.

What's Up?

9 years ago

You failed your first impression when you brought up pitbull racism. I mess with pitbulls all the time, my cousin owns one that likes to have throwing/tackling matches. (Generally whoever falls in the pool first loses... At least I think those are the rules)

What's Up?

9 years ago

I have a pitbull, two of them in fact. Ruby and Baby Girl, and they are the best dogs you will ever know.

Until a motherfucker burst in the house with a gun, then my dogs will fuck them up.

What's Up?

9 years ago

Yeah, I can see how they'd fuck people up. That dog is pretty big now, and it's getting harder to throw him. xD I might have to start either working out or letting him drag me into the pool.

What's Up?

9 years ago

I'd suggest working out. Once that dog knows he's dragging you around, he'll start fucking you up, dragging you around your house and now then what?

What's Up?

9 years ago

Well, he's not my dog, so I'll be fine, I guess.

What's Up?

9 years ago

Oh. Then let him do whatever he wants.

What's Up?

9 years ago
I shouldn't be surprised someone got the username "Puppy" after 14 years of the site existing. After all, 13 years after the site came to be - someone got the username "Batman" e_e

What's Up?

9 years ago

Here's a fun thing to do: look at this kid's profile and post history and try to guess what his favorite word is. :)

What's Up?

9 years ago


What's Up?

9 years ago

Yeah there's pretty much no way you're older than 17.

You're fun though, I hope you stick around.

What's Up?

9 years ago

19, good guess.

What's Up?

9 years ago

I dunno if it's a combination of his avatar, his name, his verbal abuse of various forum members and liberal use of swearing, but this Puppy guy is a riot already.

What's Up?

9 years ago

He's had practice.

What's Up?

9 years ago

Well, let's see, the sky is up.

What's Up?

9 years ago

There's also a whole lotta sky about 8,000 miles beneath you.

What's Up?

9 years ago

Welcome to the site, enjoy your stay!

What's Up?

9 years ago


What's Up?

9 years ago

What's Up?

9 years ago

Enjoy your stay.

What's Up?

9 years ago

Lets be friends!

Lets fuck up some bitches, motherfucker! :D Sup, and welcome. 

What's Up?

9 years ago

Welcome to the site! 

What's Up?

9 years ago


What's Up?

9 years ago

Welcome to the site. Do you want some dog food?

What's Up?

9 years ago

Nigga of course I do. As long as it's the good kind.

What's Up?

9 years ago


What's Up?

9 years ago
I'm nearly a cat. Want to try and fight me? If you do, I will tear your small intestine out, tie you to a pole, and then cut out your bones and beat you with them... Hey, welcome to the site, have a great day!

What's Up?

9 years ago

I'll hit your ass so hard with a jewelry box you'll look like a drunk ass Mr. T.

THEN I'm going to shove my foot so far up your ass that i'm going to use your mouth as an ankle bracelet

What's Up?

9 years ago

(psst. She's also part dragon. She's a Neko; a cat dragon)

What's Up?

9 years ago

That's Bluefur not WizzyCat.

What's Up?

9 years ago

I always thought WizzyCat was a guy.

What's Up?

9 years ago

I think that WizzyCat is a guy and Bluefur is a girl. I might be completely wrong though.