Timetodie, The Reader

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1/13/2015 2:26 PM

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1 win / 2 losses





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I CAN'T TAKE IT on 10/7/2014 6:23:16 PM

As a response to a horrible (in my opinion) series, I'm going to make a game called ''Warrior Dogs'' whose sole mission is to eradicate the Warrior Cat scum.

I like cheese on 10/6/2014 1:22:10 PM

Ah. A Star wars fan. Welcome.

Ebola patient released in America. on 10/3/2014 1:38:16 PM

I'm Leon Kennedy-Ranked, you can't infect me Kiel.

Ebola patient released in America. on 10/3/2014 1:36:35 PM

I can see it spreading to most southern states. I can also see the southerners getting jealous because us Northerners are un-infected, so they try to attack and spread it to us, bring forth a second civil war!!!......or maybe that's the sixth cup of coffee talking.

Ebola patient released in America. on 10/3/2014 1:24:05 PM

The Ebola in your system is tricking you into believing that, my friend.

Ebola patient released in America. on 10/3/2014 12:24:23 PM

Anyone ''really'' thinks that the ''Patient Zero of America'' was realeased by accident?. Nope, he's being used as a Bio-weapon to rid the world of the menace known as Texas!......created by me.

Ebola patient released in America. on 10/2/2014 1:16:57 PM

Haha. Thank you.

Ebola patient released in America. on 10/2/2014 1:11:30 PM

Bleeding from the inside is one of the symptoms.

Ebola patient released in America. on 10/2/2014 12:54:22 PM

Right. So i'm going to blame the whole thing on you. HEY EVERYBODY, EBOLA IS KIEL'S FAULT!!!.

Ebola patient released in America. on 10/2/2014 12:12:41 PM

18 people already exposed. Well, that's it for all of us...well, for all of you, i'm safe here in the state of Maryland. We'll have things shut down, no in or out, type of thing. All other states suck. XD