TreeHugger, The Contributor
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I like nature. Deal with it. I do not have to say anything more. I also like animals. And books. And a whole lot of other stuff. I will be quiet now.
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Cancel the mizal ban on 2/13/2020 12:56:08 PMWhy? What did I do this time?
Artist for Hire on 1/26/2020 11:50:36 PM
here ya go!
Artist for Hire on 1/24/2020 1:20:03 AM
Artist for Hire on 1/24/2020 1:18:54 AM
Corrections: I use a stylus when I draw, and it’s on an iPad mini.
Artist for Hire on 1/24/2020 1:15:07 AM
I whipped this up just a few minutes ago. It’s you.
Artist for Hire on 1/24/2020 1:03:19 AM
I’m not asking for pay, and my new profile picture is changed because I felt like it. Can't a girl show some love for her dog? Also thank you for saying he's cute. :)
Artist for Hire on 1/24/2020 12:30:10 AM
Heyo! I'm TreeHugger, and I love to draw! I made my own profile picture (I will admit, not very creative), and I specialize in graphic styles, not the sketchy kind. If anyone wants me to make a picture for them, just put down what you want, and it'll be done (unless I either find it inappropriate, rude, or to darn hard to make). Don’t be shy!
Miraculous Stories on 1/23/2020 11:00:53 PM
I've kinda lost interest in writing this, but I am now (trying) to make a comic on the same story I have planned. If anyone wants to help me, I will gladly accept your help. I hope I will pull through with this one!
Miraculous Stories on 1/10/2020 11:09:47 AM
Yes! Vague is exactly what I’m going for! The whole point of this part is to be mysterious about everything.
Miraculous Stories on 1/10/2020 11:06:24 AM
Well, I suppose the figure thing was a little off, but if my story goes the way I hope, then “the figure” will be reviled later on.