dogbox10, The Dramatist
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Well I am dogbox10 and that's about it. This site is awesome just so you know.
Fun Facts that you probably don't care about.
Favorite Band: Coldplay
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Quote: I have bad reflexes. I was once run over by a car being pushed by two guys
-----Woody Allen. (Don't believe that's a quote? Look it up.)
Favorite Movie: Tombstone
Favorite Song: Its a three way tie between Stop and Stare by OneRepublic, Harder to Breathe by Maroon5, and Politik by Coldplay.
Oh and if you get bored and wanna talk to someone just PM me.
A few people on this site will tell you I am very talkative.
And will someone please tell me what profile picture they like the best? Snoopy, Roadrunner, my guitar, my wave, or the awesome Cereal Guy.
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Recent Posts
Wish and Pay the Price Game! on 11/12/2011 7:25:43 PMGranted but you're horrible at it
I wish I wasnt so tired
Wish and Pay the Price Game! on 11/12/2011 3:25:16 PM
Granted but it bursts into flames
I wish I didnt have to sleep
Hello on 11/12/2011 12:03:16 AM
Nope because I dont pay attention to anything apparently
Hello on 11/11/2011 4:41:24 PM
Hey. Welcome to the site.
Inheritance on 11/10/2011 6:41:31 PM
I've been waiting for Inheritance to come out forever. And there are going to have to be major plot twists to keep it from being pedictable.
Chuck on 10/28/2011 10:24:49 PM
Isn't this chuck's last season?
Chuck on 10/28/2011 10:10:43 PM
Sometimes. I've seen a few episodes and I think it's decent
Cleverbot on 10/15/2011 11:07:03 PM
Haha the world taught cleverbot to be stupid.
Recommend Your Fave Books! on 10/8/2011 11:29:55 AM
I have a lot of books that I like but I guess one of my favorites would have to be The Beyonders: A World Without Heroes. It's a newer series and it's about a guy that falls through a portal in a hippo tank and gets transported to another land in which he must hunt a word that will destroy the tyrant king of that land.
I seriously need help on 10/1/2011 9:07:32 AM
Well that's a unique problem. Maybe you should see a pyschologist first?