francisco9622, The Reader

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8/18/2014 10:50 PM

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My name is Francisco and I'm from Tijuana, México. I've always been a gamer and I love to read almost any kind of text so recently I discovered this "choose your story" thing on the internet and I loved it, I've been reading this kind of books and I found this awesome website so I want to be a part of this community.


Am I one of them?

Zombies, they are so popular today that we can find movies, video games, novels, merchandise, comics, surviving manuals and a lot more about this creatures that I myself love but in fact there are so many stories about this creatures that sometimes they feel a little repetitive or too predictable.
My plan was to make another zombie survival game but it became difficult for me to imagine a good story that hasn't be used already so instead of a normal guy who tries to survive the beginning of an apocalypse this story is about a guy who failed to survive in a world already destroyed by this apocalypse and that know faces a new challenge: live as the first completely intelligent zombie.

This is my fist story game and my native language (or first language) is actually Spanish so sorry if there's an orthographic or grammatical error I'll try to do my best.

Kingdom Invasion

This game is really simple, you are the king of Tabyral a huge country in a fictional world with people, goblins, wizards, ogres and most things that would exist in a medieval RPG game.
Everything starts in a normal night, you're about to go to sleep when your kingdom is suddenly attacked by unknown forces, choose carefully form a wide variety of options as every choice could be the salvation or the doom of your kingdom and people.


Recent Posts

Would anyone like to give feedback on my work in p on 12/17/2012 11:03:11 PM

I really like it, it made me want to know more about the story although I'm not a person who likes mystery stories. The fact you discover more about the story reading notes and watching tapes is something I really like.

Just the opinion of a newb   :D

27 dead on 12/16/2012 12:11:46 AM

Who cares if the kids had some sort of connection with the motherr that changes nothing the fact they were all innocent.

27 dead on 12/15/2012 1:01:36 PM

I don't know the problems he had with his mom, but does children were all innocent.

27 dead on 12/14/2012 8:57:26 PM

worst part is they were all so young, those kids got so much to live :(

27 dead on 12/14/2012 6:40:46 PM

yes that's why i said children if I'm not mistaken that's the plural form of child, or kid, I didn't know the exact number, I have no idea what was going on in that person's mind but i feel it's not going to be long until someone tries to blame violent videogames.

27 dead on 12/14/2012 6:02:59 PM

I heard it on the news, so sad for those children :(

Inventory Limit on 12/14/2012 4:04:34 PM

Good then i'll sure try to use this

Inventory Limit on 12/14/2012 3:04:03 PM

Wow, so that's scripting, seems difficult, thanks a lot for your help I'll probably try to use it once I finish the storyline and all the items, just 1 more question, is there a way to make like a backup of a story so if I try to use this and something goes wrong you don't lose your work, I'm asuming using scripts modifies all your storygame and it some serious stuff but again I know nothing about this so maybe is not.

Inventory Limit on 12/13/2012 9:51:34 PM

mmm ok thanks I think I'll just have to lower the number of items available in the story and the number of uses cause I don't know a thing about scripting XD

Inventory Limit on 12/13/2012 8:28:41 PM

Hi everybody I'm new here and I want to make a game but I have a question about items

Is there a way to put a restriction in how many items you can hold, like if the character can only hold 3 items and if he finds another he can't get it?