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Would anyone like to give feedback on my work in p

12 years ago

Far from done but was curious if what's there is any good?

BTW, Once you insert the Carly coin into the cross you are pretty much done with what I've finished. Also, not all of the video tapes work yet.

Would anyone like to give feedback on my work in p

12 years ago

I'm not sure how I feel about the single line paragraphs. In one way it is jarring to read, but in another way, it sort of makes the story feel jarring (which is a cool effect for a horror story).

I did get lost among all the items and couldn't get back to the crucifix room after going downstairs. Overall though, it seems like a good start  =)

And I love how the thread reads "Would anyone like to booze" LOL!

Would anyone like to give feedback on my work in p

12 years ago

I like it though as Berka said it gets really  confusing with that many items. I have a ton of items but I don't know the password to the computer, what the silver key does, or how to open the locked door next to the computer. 

The crucifix room is accessed again, through the "open door" in the second room on the right".  Also please don't disable player saves.

Would anyone like to give feedback on my work in p

12 years ago

I really like it, it made me want to know more about the story although I'm not a person who likes mystery stories. The fact you discover more about the story reading notes and watching tapes is something I really like.

Just the opinion of a newb   :D

Would anyone like to give feedback on my work in p

12 years ago

Got stuck after going downstairs - after using all that I could think of. Also some of the later tapes don't work.

I've got the nice feeling from it, but it's because the stuff is still rolling in. I can't really tell how it'll turn out since game is incomplete. Like the guys said - there is a huge amount of notes and other things, which make it a kind of 'item juggling game'. But for now it's pretty good if mysterious.