ieatsoap, The Reader

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for fun!!


the loneliest place to die: surviving Vide Noir

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The Affinity Bridge by George Mann on 12/29/2024 3:39:26 PM
first book i picked up in a while! curse high school and university for kicking me out of my insatiable reading habit as a child!!! I remember initially picking it out because the dust cover mentioned steampunk, murder, and mystery. solarpunk is more my style but enough abt that because i could go on. side note, i have a slight distaste for dust covers. i understand and respect their purpose and design, but to a degree. regarding the novel, I loved it a lot!! there were plenty of moments in which i had to close the book and sigh deeply and audibly. groan for a bit, whisper arguments with myself about the stupidity of a certain character, and then have to take a long walk before excitedly returning to finish it. (relatable, i'm sure.) the writing was really well done, only a couple of moments in which i was left with more questions than answers, but less related to plot/theme and more "this guys an idiot!!! why????" 5/5. this book shall remain on my shelf, i will recommend it to others looking for a fun fiction story. who knows! i may re-read it one day.

hello!!how do i move pages from chapter to chapter on 11/21/2023 12:22:10 AM
i made my account literally 5h ago, have mercy. i started writing several new pages all under the first chapter when i wanted to break them down into the second and third chapters. how do i move different pages from chapter to chapter? is it easier to just cut and paste at this point? thank you!