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3 years ago

Hey guys, I'm making a storygame where stats play an important role in what the protagonist can and can't do, and need a way for the player to be able to see their stats throughout the game.

I noticed in The Price of Freedom: Innocence Lost by Avery_Moore that they were able to create a STATS page next to the GO BACK and RESTART buttons that show how your stats continuously change throughout the story, and I was wondering how they did it.

I figure if I could manage that, it might be easier than making a bunch of different links at the bottom of every page to show their stats in that specific moment, and more aesthetically pleasing than just putting them on every page. Thanks for any help


3 years ago
It's something that has to be done with javascript. I was the one that told her how to do that, but using a script and explanation I got from Brad, and I'm not sure if I have either message anymore.

I do have a working example set up in a storygame though, I'll just need to go in later and piece together how it's done. I'm just getting off work now and I'll message you after awhile.


3 years ago
No it can be done with html just fine, you just need to fine tune the location. Since it doesn't like the raw code, here's a link to it: pastebin location. Just put this in your global page script, and replace the number 303 with your link id (and fine tune the location).


one year ago

That pastebin has expired.


16 days ago

Hey dude I know I'm like sUper late but I think I might've gotten my neanderthal brain to get the basics of how to actually work this stuff. If you have any advice or script I'd appreciate it. Thx


3 years ago

I must admit I'm pretty new to the coding and computer-ey kind of stuff so it would probably take me a few to figure it out, but otherwise I think I could do it. Just a tad bit overwhelming


26 days ago
In the game I'm working on for the prompt contest I am appending a table at the end of most pages that show the stats at any given point. It's like a block of 30 something lines I just paste into the page script for significant pages.