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List of any pages linked to a specific page

2 years ago

The amount of dicerolls and scripts Mommy uses is astounding to me. It has unfortunately been years since I scripted on here and I am trying to recall if there is a way to see where every page links. 

For example, let's say you have a page called "The End."

Is there a way to see a list of every page that links to that page?

I want to fix some of the sloppy, rushed parts and make the purpose of the talisman much more obvious.

List of any pages linked to a specific page

2 years ago
Pretty sure there is not. The publisher-checker looks for pages that have no links to them, but I think that's the closest I've seen. Kinda like the web, I don't think you could ever know if there are links TO anything. Ok, well, in a limited environment like this, I could see a way to do it, but it would be quite massive: have a bot follow every path through every... oh wait, no that won't even work because you could have scripts and objects pointing to pages. Yeah, I don't think it's possible.

List of any pages linked to a specific page

2 years ago

I don't know enough about coding so I'll take your word for it. Thanks.

List of any pages linked to a specific page

2 years ago

A little bit off topic, but I'm so happy that "mommy can i go kill tonight" is up again!!!! It was one of those games I remembered I played repeatedly as a kid, I was really bummed out that I couldn't find it anymore. Glad to see it updated!

List of any pages linked to a specific page

2 years ago

Hey, thanks Darius_Conwrig, glad you enjoyed it. Good to know my twisted story was a happy childhood memory.

List of any pages linked to a specific page

2 years ago
Hi Madglee, nice to see you around!

And yeah, going back through old pages is a bit of a slog, but can only be done manually.

List of any pages linked to a specific page

2 years ago

Hey BZ! Good to see you. Great work on the site. I'm in the process of relearning and getting a sense of the logic I had in the variables, scripts, etc. Once I grasp what I was doing, I should be able to fix it. I can't reproduce the bugs when getting stopped by the cop so far (read that in the comments)