I want to make like a mech gundam story-game. But I want to actually make it so there are actual battles like a text-based RPG. However, I'm too technologically inept to do such a thing.
Is there a baby mode for someone like me who has never interacted with variables? I know there's an article, but I need something even easier?
I was going to pm someone like Killa or even Berka, but I figure they're too busy, and also that Killa hates me. So I will ask the general populace.
Asking for a friend here.
Like maybe even a level-up system.
I may reward the greatest answer with points. However if someone was to do it for me as a co-author, I will pay you minimum wage with CYS points.
No, actually, I want all the credit for my story-game.
Still, there are points to be had, possibly. I have to speak with mizal or someone like End on a limit cap maybe... I don't want to disturb the delicate ecosystem by doing inflation.
I know many people don't read the Advanced Editor forum, so this might be a waste of time. Still, it doesn’t hurt to ask.