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Bug: Inconsistent Results from Link Restrictions

2 years ago

I have a page with links that are displayed depending on variable restrictions. However, the links that are displayed are inconsistent with values of variables.


Play then select the following choices

  • "Gaard the Riverman"
  • "Disembark"
  • "Go South"
  • "Talk with a riverman"
  • "Farewell"
  • "Go South"
  • "Enter Mother's Ruin Tavern"
  • "Talk with Bozun"
  • "I am looking for something to do"

You are now on a page that shows two links "Accept" and "Decline" however according to the link restrictions two different links should be displayed. Both and Accept and Decline have the link restrictions "%I=0 NOT" set. However, %I=0 and hence the accept/decline links should not be displayed. Pagescript that is executed on this page is


The output in the page body "DEBUG: %I = 0" confirms that the variable has been set to 0.

If the steps "Talk with a riverman" and "Farewell" are skipped the page works as expected.

Bug: Inconsistent Results from Link Restrictions

2 years ago

Pretty much impossible to give you direct help on this without seeing the code, but here's my troubleshooting advice:

-Set the variable "I" (and other relevant variables) to visible on all pages, and click through to story to make sure it's doing what it's supposed to on all pages.

-If that doesn't help, check all the individual link/page scripts in reverse order to make sure they have the right info on them.

-I know that pagescript doesn't work on the page itself, but it should work for the links, so I doubt that's your issue. Still, to check this issue you can temporarily make the code happen on the previous page's link script.

-I'm not familiar with the script format you're using, I have no spaces in mine and the quotes seem out of place. Could this be your issue? Could just be a different format than I'm used to.

Bug: Inconsistent Results from Link Restrictions

2 years ago
Thanks for the reply. What I pasted is literally the whole page. The script is working and I confirmed that the variable has the right value after the script has run. At this point I am convinced that this is a bug on the server.

Bug: Inconsistent Results from Link Restrictions

2 years ago
It has to do with the order things get loaded in on. The link restrictions are checked before the page script is loaded. I added you as a co-author to a quick test storygame i made to show this in case you wanted to see it behaving isolated. In both cases, X=1 when its displayed on the page, but because of where the variable was assigned, the links presented are different.

Bug: Inconsistent Results from Link Restrictions

2 years ago
OK thank you very much! How did I never notice this?!

I fixed it and it is working now.

Bug: Inconsistent Results from Link Restrictions

2 years ago
Moved to advanced editor forum since its less a bug and more just the way the editor works.