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What's wrong with my page script?

2 years ago
I'm getting the following error message: Did not recognize '$O'. Col=4

My script:

IF $O37 = 1 THEN

$O37 definitely exists.

Edit: I thought it was the number in the variable name, but I tried it with a variable with letters only and got the same error. This is the simplest possible script, how am I fucking it up?

What's wrong with my page script?

2 years ago
What's $O37?

Just a variable?

Since variables use %, not $. $ is used for scripting things, like pagetext, or dest, but variables you create use %.

That's my guess anyway.

What's wrong with my page script?

2 years ago
$O37 cannot exist because $ is a prefix for system variables. If you made a variable yourself called O37 it would be %O37.

What's wrong with my page script?

2 years ago
Thanks folks! Don't know how I missed that when I was looking at examples.