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onpage script error

one year ago

I have this block set on the page:


%%RUNFROM%=%4%"Look," you say, "I'm not really here to pick up an order.  I was just kind of wandering around in the snow and thought I would..."

You cut yourself off as a large bald man in a black button down shirt and silver tie emerges from the kitchen door. %%%%RUNFROM%=%3%"Um, Smith?" you guess.  The server looks at you with a neutral expression and spares you a slow blink. "Sorry, that's not..." He is cut off as a large bald man in a black button down shirt and gold striped tie emerges from the kitchen door.%% 

But when looking at the render, it is swapping out the middle %%%% with a 0, but failing do any other evaluation.  Any ideas on why this doesn't work right?

Page output:

%%RUNFROM%=%4%"Look," you say, "I'm not really here to pick up an order.  I was just kind of wandering around in the snow and thought I would..."


You cut yourself off as a large bald man in a black button down shirt and silver tie emerges from the kitchen door. 0RUNFROM%=%3%"Um, Smith?" you guess.  The server looks at you with a neutral expression and spares you a slow blink. "Sorry, that's not..." He is cut off as a large bald man in a black button down shirt and gold striped tie emerges from the kitchen door.%% 


onpage script error

one year ago
This the Chicago game? What page?

onpage script error

one year ago

yeah.  Leave the house->commercial district->restaurants->Nicer restaurant->either option to get the order

onpage script error

one year ago
Can't mess with it any more just now, but it's something to do with the line break in the first section.

%%RUNFROM%=%4%"Look," you say, "I'm not really here to pick up an order.  I was just kind of wandering around in the snow and thought I would..."%%
%%RUNFROM%=%4%You cut yourself off as a large bald man in a black button down shirt and silver tie emerges from the kitchen door.%%%%RUNFROM%=%3%"Um, Smith?" you guess.  The server looks at you with a neutral expression and spares you a slow blink. "Sorry, that's not..." He is cut off as a large bald man in a black button down shirt and gold striped tie emerges from the kitchen door.%% 

Because when you do it like this it works just fine. Since I see you're using the rich text editor I'm just gonna blame that, it's usually a safe bet. There may be some special character crud mixed in or something that's confusing it.

onpage script error

one year ago

yeah, it's probably something like that.  I got it working properly.  I have seen your frequent complaints about the Advanced Editor.  I presume the main thing you are losing by not using the editor is easy formatting, and have to do the html tagging yourself?

onpage script error

one year ago

It's also worth noting that the page before this one has even more onpage evals like that and those all seem to work fine.  They are looking at a different variable, but I don't think that should matter.