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How do I make complex character variables work?

10 months ago
Hello! I'm new here on the site, still learning how to use a lot of the tools available. My story I'm working on is based heavily on games such as Until Dawn and other Supermassive Games titles. What I need to know is if there's an easy way to create an link together all the unique routes?
For example, I have six main characters. Say one of them dies. I now have to create two versions of the next scene, one with that character, one without. Another examle would be characters make it through a chapter together, or are seperated.
Are there any good ways to do this easily? Or do I have to have a lot of different pages, chapters, and variables to accomodate for each outcome.

How do I make complex character variables work?

10 months ago

Well, this isn't an answer ima newb myself but, you'd have to write different plots for each choice unless you just want a "_____ died" right? Am I just confused?

How do I make complex character variables work?

10 months ago

At the bottom of each of your pages you have two options, either to end the Storygame line or to create a link to another page. If you have made each page separately and need to link it to another existing page you need to click the connect to existing page button and click the page number you want it to connect to. What your saying is that one of the characters die, but you need to have an alternate choice where the character doesn't die. In this instance you need to click the link text box and make two of them for the different outcomes. Hope that helps @morsmordre

How do I make complex character variables work?

10 months ago

You can also use on-page script to swap out blocks of text based on variable conditions.

On-Page Scripting Tricks

How do I make complex character variables work?

10 months ago
Thanks! Now I need to figure out how to make this work in a comparison.
How do I alter this so it's a comparison? like, variable = >15 = this text, and variable = <15 = other text

How do I make complex character variables work?

10 months ago
wait nvm I read it properly, lol

How do I make complex story progression work?

10 months ago
Now that I've learned how to display the on-page script text, what i really need is for variables and page links to respond to that text. If it says, 'your guy just died, bummer", then that has to be reflected in the rest of the game, and makes new routes.
For example, If a character is mean consistently throughout the game to the other, it causes the scripted text to appear. Then they're in a life-or-death situation later, and relies on the person they were rude to to survive. What I need is for one link to appear versus another, depending on your actions, and then have both of those link to the next chapter. BOTH events would have major effects on dialogue, scenes, etc., throughout the rest of the game, and I need the text to reflect that without making a bajillion pages for all the different routes - but also create different choices later on, which ARE different and lead to different places.

How do I make complex story progression work?

10 months ago

movin this to a new thread

How do I make complex story progression work?

10 months ago

No need to thread spam.

When you are looking at the link options at the bottom of the page there is a little Stop Sign icon.  That can be used to add restrictions on if that link pops up based on one or more variable states. 

As an alternate to the onpage variable text swapping, you can also define your if/thens and $PAGETEXT in the page script. Check the scripting articles here for more detail: