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Choosing entry point?

7 months ago

I wanted to split a chapter in two. To do that, I created a new chapter and copypasted several pages there.

The problem is, the original chapter was the first one. Now, I can choose which page of that chapter is the first page, and that becomes the entry point. However, I can't find a way to either make my new chapter the first one or choose an entry point in a chapter that's not the first one.

I could, of course, leave the entry point in the original chapter and copypaste the second part. But the second part is rather larger, and frankly, I'd prefer not to do that. So, is there a way to reorganize the chapters or choose the first page of the story manually?

Choosing entry point?

7 months ago
I was struggling a little to follow this, but if I'm understanding the question right, try using $DEST := @P21 (or whatever the destination page number is). Just put it in a link script and when the player clicks it'll route them to that page regardless of what chapter it's in.

Choosing entry point?

7 months ago

Thank you, Mizal. I don't, however, quite understand where to put that little script. 

When I say entry point, I mean the page that's opened when I click the "Play ***" button on the game page. Is there a way to change what that button does? 

Choosing entry point?

7 months ago
Oh, whoops. No, unfortunately that first page is hardcoded in.

After that though, any time there's a link for the player to click you can use that script if you need to jump them around between chapters.

Choosing entry point?

7 months ago
make first page credits/authors note. make first link have all the setup scripts and actual first page dest.