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Can access story even without co-authorship

7 years ago

Even though I removed myself as a co-author of a storygame I can still access and even change things. Anyways this is important not only to me but all the others too because if I removed someone their co-authorship they might sabotage my storygame. 

Can access story even without co-authorship

7 years ago
Weird, I've never run into this. That sounds like a major issue though.

Why'd you remove yourself? Did they coauthor you without permission? (If so, this is hilarious and you should take this opportunity to fuck with their story while you have it.)

e: I suggest dog porn

Can access story even without co-authorship

7 years ago

Well, yeah. We just experimented on the co-authors ability to change the storygame and when I finished I was curious to check if I can still do things. And yeah that is a good idea xD

Can access story even without co-authorship

7 years ago

Which story?

If it's a troll/crap story like a lot of these involuntary co-authorships are, I'll probably end up deleting it anyway.

Can access story even without co-authorship

7 years ago

Me and my friend just experimented what co-authors can do and when I was done, this happened...

Can access story even without co-authorship

7 years ago

Maybe they added you as a co-author again after you removed yourself?

Can access story even without co-authorship

7 years ago

Didn't happen... I would receive a notification if that happened

Can access story even without co-authorship

7 years ago

Try looking through your notifications again to see if you just missed it. Or ask the author if they put you as a co-author again after you left.

Can access story even without co-authorship

7 years ago

Didn't really happen, wanna try it?

Can access story even without co-authorship

7 years ago

Alright, i'm nearly out of answers.

Maybe you didn't really remove yourself, but you just thought you did? Like clicking the remove self as co-author button but then not confirming?

Can access story even without co-authorship

7 years ago

Nope. You should at least test it if you're not gonna believe in me.

Can access story even without co-authorship

7 years ago

I never said I didn't "believe in you." -_-

I'm just trying to think of reasons as to why this is happening.

And I did just test it with an alt. The co-author removal system works fine for me.

Can access story even without co-authorship

7 years ago

Then click the "link" from your notifications and you'll be able to access the storygame it's like a way around the system. If it works fine for you, then there should be a problem in either my computer or my account or the storygame(ugh, too many possibilities)

Can access story even without co-authorship

7 years ago

Well this information would have been lovely to have earlier. I thought you meant you could go to the storygame through My Stuff.

Yeah, the link still seems to work even after being removed as a co-author. Next time include this sort of thing in the OP, please. 

Can access story even without co-authorship

7 years ago

I'm sorry for not giving you the specifics.

(No one's gonna something 'bout this?)

Can access story even without co-authorship

7 years ago

There doesn't seem to be a problem.

We could test this out for you if you co-author me into a story.

Can access story even without co-authorship

7 years ago

Try clicking the "link" button found in your notifications. It will redirect you to the story you ex-co-authored

Can access story even without co-authorship

7 years ago

Haven't received a notification yet. You added me?

Can access story even without co-authorship

7 years ago

Okay, done.

And I'm already done removing you, too.


Can access story even without co-authorship

7 years ago

I went in using the link. When I clicked off I couldn't find the story in My Storygames. I think I can't get back in.

Can access story even without co-authorship

7 years ago

use the link again. You can get back xD

Can access story even without co-authorship

7 years ago

Are you talking about the co-author I sent you? I haven't un-added you yet.

The link doesn't come up for me in my notifications for your story. Can you check if I'm still listed as a co-author for yours?

Can access story even without co-authorship

7 years ago

I removed you and I removed myself as a co-author to your story

Can access story even without co-authorship

7 years ago

And you can still get back in? I added you then un-added you just then. [After you removed yourself]

Can access story even without co-authorship

7 years ago

Can still

Can access story even without co-authorship

7 years ago

How are you getting back in? And when you're in, change something so I can see the changes.

Can access story even without co-authorship

7 years ago

Okay then


Can access story even without co-authorship

7 years ago

I'll check now.

Can access story even without co-authorship

7 years ago

I made a page named "I can do this you know"

Can access story even without co-authorship

7 years ago

Yep. He can do it.

How are you getting in?

Can access story even without co-authorship

7 years ago

Through the "link": button in my notifications and you can do it to my story, too

Can access story even without co-authorship

7 years ago

If you see a page called "Delete this." then yes, I can also edit other's stories if I am co-authored, and then removed through this method (using the link given in the notification).

Can access story even without co-authorship

7 years ago

For those that haven't realised it yet...

I can also edit IIRenjiII's story. So this doesn't seem to be only him.

Can access story even without co-authorship

7 years ago

If it were only me I would be God.

Can access story even without co-authorship

7 years ago

Try to delete one of my pages.

Can access story even without co-authorship

7 years ago


Can access story even without co-authorship

7 years ago

Which page was this?

Try deleting the page called "Hi".