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Can't find a story game

11 months ago
Hi I posted some sotries in the context of an internship, and when I test out on how to find them as a gest (for the people evaluating me and those for who I wrote the stories) I can't find my sotries, even when I search them with the exact title.

Can anyone help me with this?

Can't find a story game

11 months ago
They're getting removed from public view because as you'll notice, the rating is very low. They're still in your profile, just give the URLs to whoever you want to share them with.

Can't find a story game

10 months ago

Why did you ask a question and then ignore the answer?

Someone's going to get annoyed if you keep spamming the republish button, they were taken down from public view for a reason, and still are prefecctly accessible to within your profile to anyone with the link.