This week's topic: Anything At All.
Believe it or not, but this is already the fourth of these prompty thingies. While I usually give a random prompt to more or less force you to practise writing about topics you might not necessarily be familiar with, I thought it'd also be nice to give you some freedom to choose your own topic. So this week, write about something you want to write about, no strings attached. Though it would be nice if you'd incorporate some of the optional requirement tips from the previous weeks.
This week's optional requirement: Write your poem in Blank Verse.
The past two weeks, we have been focusing on types of rhyme. This week, I'm going to ask you to disregard rhyming altogether. Blank verse is one of those classic forms of poetry that are ubiquitous in the English language, but are still nice to try once in a while. (As a matter of fact, some of my favourite poems are written in blank verse.)
Basically, blank verse is a form of poetry whereby the lines don't rhyme, but which is written in metric lines (for a short reminder, see week one's prompt). The standard metric scheme is iambic pentameter (five pairs of iambs, unstressed-stressed 'da-dum' syllables), but I guess you could diverge from that to a certain degree if you feel it's too 'classical'. An example for this week's prompt could for example be:
When there is nothing left for me to find
And no discovery is left unmade,
When all the triumphs have turned trivial
And all accomplishments have been achieved,
I hope I shall find blissful peace at last.
The stressed syllables are thereby bolded. (I still have quite a lot of deadlines coming up, as you also might've noticed from the above...)
As opposed to other forms of poetry, blank verse does not have a set length, or a set structure beyond the use of a metric scheme. This means that, similarly to this week's topic, you can decide for yourself how long you want to make it. Want to write an epic? You can do it in blank verse. Want to write four lines about a random brain fart? Also possible in blank verse.
So that's all for this week, and all you need to remember for this optional requirement is:
Blank verse: A poem that doesn't rhyme, but is metrical.
Have fun writing!