Oh come off it man. There's no need to be a human bunker, but you were kind of asking for it when you got with her for allegedly thinking you were attractive. Never taking risks makes you defeated and sucky, just don't take stupid risks. (Like getting with bitches just because they hit on you.)
Fuck off with attractiveness, it's not worth it, it means fucking nothing at all. I've spent long enough hating myself over preferences I never had control over to know that attractiveness is fucking empty chemical bullshit. Any given 33% of humanity will find any fucking person attractive. There is no able-bodied, non-deformed human on earth that's sexy to less than a 3rd of the population, and I doubt there are people that exist who are sexy to more than 60% of people they come into contact with. It's not even people with low standards either. Everyone has a 70% of people they aren't attracted to. To fucking any given person, you could be part of their exclusive realm of physical attraction, you could not be, it's not a point to get in a twist about. There is no such fucking thing as being objectively attractive, and her finding you attractive does not make you attractive. It's an irrelevant goddamn opinion.
However, there is shit that does affect attractiveness pretty much universally. Great job that it's all shit that you can change. Controllable variables, like health, fashion, cleanliness, and the way you present yourself. So, if you can only validate yourself with the validation of others, then yeah, sure, you're unattractive as fuck, and only a very small minority of people and/or manipulative bitches. But if you take a shower, know what works for you, don't dress like Chris-Chan, and talk to human beings and girls up front as equals rather than a nervous wreck, then you can move in on chicks that share your interests, and you won't have to worry about that shit.
The fact of the matter is that personality and not being an absolute wreck are what makes you hot. Genghis Khan had a constipated scowl and shaved his head so it looked like he had male pattern baldness with a little bit for weird bangs and nothing else. He came closer to literally drowning in pussy than any human being on the face of the fucking planet.
This man, this fucking man, is an ancestor to pretty much 1/8th of a goddamn continent. LOOK AT THIS AVERAGE-FACED MOTHERFUCKER. This is a guy who got laid countless hundreds of times across all sorts of cultures (Many of whom also probably considered the half-Mr.-T-half-Betty-Boop look to be fucking absurd) because he presented himself as a fucking baller.
Ben Franklin? The token old dweeb in everything about the founding fathers? Dude was partying up in France all the time. This motherfucker with his bald mullet had so much fucking game, he literally wrote the book on how to pick mistresses. Died at 72 of literally every venereal disease known to man at the time.
THIS MOTHERFUCKER HAS FUCKED ALYSSA MILANO, ELIZA DUSHKU, AND (also engaged to) KARINA SMIRNOFF (I didn't much care to google them, but they're celebrities, so I'm assuming they're conventional enough for you to get what I'm getting at) AND FUCKING LOOK AT HIM. I MEAN JESUS CHRIST HE'S PRETTY SHIT AT PROFESSIONAL BASEBALL TOO.
And for fuck's sake, that's not even mentioning Gene Simmons, who suffers from having a ghoulish fucking mask as a persona, being the BASSIST in a rock band, and the added physical attraction handicap of being goddamn Gene Simmons. Never stopped the man from getting a tally up in the thousands. Fuck off with that shit about being physically unnattractive, this weird-looking-ass old dude's probably been dogpiled with his goddamn makeup still on, just don't be a sad sack and present yourself as a confident human being even if you're really not, that's how this kind of shit works.
I mean, yeah, you were emotionally invested, and that sucks, and it's healthy to take time to grieve, but eliminating any future chance of a satisfying relationship and dooming yourself to eternal grief or whatever just because you jumped into a relationship while relying on someone else to be your source of confidence and emotional health is an extreme reaction to a stupid problem. Should you be utterly vulnerable? Of course not, that's setting yourself up for failure, but putting up big fucking walls all of a sudden because this bitch pointed it out is a sure way to remove yourself from the gene pool.